Elaine Reed, CEO of Naples Historical Society.Estero Historical Society takes a deep dive into the vibrant history of southwest Florida with a presentation by Elaine Reed, CEO of Naples Historical Society. Her presentation on Historic Rehabilitation will present a journey through history as she details some of the most fascinating rehabs of historic structures in the area. The event is scheduled on November 18 from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. at the Clubhouse of Country Creek Country Club, 21180 Country Creek Drive.

While many visitors to our area only see southwest Florida as a coastal vacation paradise with beaches and palm trees, it holds a fascinating history that goes back ten thousand years. Even over just the past hundred years or so the area has undergone massive development, much of which has been bulldozed in the name of progress. Hurricane Ian didn’t help. Those structures that remain and have undergone rehabilitation and preservation are like jewels in the sand – just waiting to be discovered and appreciated by the population. Elaine Reed’s presentation will highlight the process of historic rehabilitation and its challenges – particularly in the Florida climate.

Attendees are asked to register for the presentation in advance on the Estero Historical Society website here. EHS members pay $10 each and non-members pay $15 each. This fee covers the continental breakfast buffet which is served prior to the start of the presentation.

The historical society museum, housed in two early 20th century buildings – soon to be three – is located inside Estero Park at 9285 Corkscrew Palms Blvd.