Public Comment on non-agenda items: 3 eComment cards were read into the record regarding the importance of septic to sewer changes to alleviate negative impacts on the Estero River, and street lights, bike lanes and sidewalks for safety of residents on Sandy Lane and E. Broadway.

2020-2021 Ad valorem tax

ad valoremCouncil approved the resolution adopting the final levying of ad valorem taxes for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.  This millage rate is 0.7726 mills ($0.7726 per $1,000 of assessed property value).  This millage rate is the same as last year and it will provide funding for various roadway improvements, intersection improvements, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, landscaping and beautification projects and other future projects.  This is still the lowest tax rate in southwest Florida.   (Resolution)

Public Comment: An eComment card was read into the record thanking Council for the additional Sherriff patrols along the river and asking that stormwater improvements be sped up.  A resident spoke against a proposed 154-unit apartment complex on the corner of Three Oaks Parkway and Coconut Road and suggested that the Village fund a park at this location.

FY 2020-2021 budget

budgetCouncil approved the resolution adopting the budget for Fiscal Year 2020- 2021. (Resolution) The proposed budgeted expenditures, including $13,800 for Information Technologies/ Council Chambers Equipment, and $32,000 for marine patrol are :

General Fund $ 5,922,210
Special Revenue 1,089,800
Debt Service 1,415,800
Capital Projects 9,364,230
Total All Funds $17,792,040


2021 Council meeting dates

Council approved the resolution establishing the dates, time, and location for meetings of the Village of Estero Council for 2021.  (Calendar)

Interlocal agreement with Lee County for Cares Act Funding

cares actCouncil approved this agreement which could provide up to $478,157 in reimbursement funds to the Village. However, the Village has not yet incurred this level of expense from COVID-related spending and, thus, would need to expend large sums to be eligible for the entirety of this reimbursement amount. There are stringent requirements associated with the disbursement of the funds and all are subject to review by Lee County and the federal government.   (Agreement)

Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website

The next Council meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, October 7, 2020.