The Village Council and I would first like to commend all of our frontliners and all of you for your efforts to help keep us safe during this pandemic.

Unfortunately, the number of cases of the Coronavirus has been rising exponentially. Florida is now among the states with very high numbers of COVID-19 cases. As of today, there are 122,960 cases in the state and 4,757 cases in Lee County, so it is more important than ever that we maintain responsible social distancing to slow the spread of this virus. Please continue to follow the recommended guidelines:

  • WEAR FACE MASKS for face-to-face interactions
  • avoid socializing in groups of 10 or more
  • practice social-distancing (6 feet or more) when in public
  • sneeze or cough into a tissue or your elbow
  • wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • use an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available
  • vulnerable residents should continue to stay home

Restaurants and other food establishments offer outdoor seating with six feet between tables and indoor seating and retail stores are operating at 50% capacity. Again, please keep in mind that social distancing is key. In addition, many Estero restaurants are still offering carry-out or home delivery for dining safely at home. We hope you will continue to support our local small businesses which have been struggling during this pandemic.

The Village Hall closed its offices to the public on March 23; however, staff continues to work behind closed doors and has been moving ahead on a number of special projects during this pandemic.

We are back to conducting Council meetings in the Council Chambers, with social distancing being strictly enforced. If you plan to attend, we ask that you wear a face mask. However, you are invited to stream the meetings safely at home, and you may still make your comments known to Council through an eComment card available on our website. We hope you will join us for our next meeting which will be held at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, July 8.

Estero Community Park, playground and dog park, the CREW (Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed) lands and Koreshan State Park are all now open for you to be able to get outdoors to exercise. Estero’s Recreation Center, however, is still closed.

You may want to use this time to take advantage of FGCU’s Renaissance Academy virtual classes on everything from art and history to iPhone tips, which are available from the safety of your home for a nominal fee (link).

Please stay vigilant and stay safe. We will get through this together.

Mayor Bill Ribble