Public Information Meetings
The applicant is proposing a 22,000 square foot grocery store to be located at 11906 Newbridge Court, south of Corkscrew Road and east of Stoneybrook Golf Drive in the Stoneybrook development.
The architecture will include a four-cornered tower, and the paint colors are shades of beige, tan and brown, with white trim. The store be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The applicant plans to meet with the Stoneybrook residents and CDD to review their proposed plans.
Public Comment: Comments were received in favor, and others expressed concerns about  noise, traffic, and traffic conflicts with the nearby school.
No voting occurs during public information meetings.
Mayfield Village
Mayfield Village
The applicant is requesting changes to the Master Concept Plan and zoning conditions to allow for 18 dwelling units at 8790 Broadway E. This 7 ½-acre property is located south of Broadway E., west of Sandy Lane and east of the Seminole Gulf railroad right of way.
Lennar Homes is proposing 1 and 2-story homes with tile roofs, paver driveways and 3-car garages.
Public Comment: A resident spoke of concerns relating to lot size, drainage issues, traffic and utilities.
No voting occurs during public information meetings.
Public Hearing
Celebree School
Celebree School
Celebree School was previously approved for a development order to change the use of the existing Goodwill store on the north side of Corkscrew Road east of Three Oaks from retail to a daycare center. (The Goodwill store is moving to the Lowe’s plaza.)
Staff had asked for a clarification of the colors of the plan and the applicant was requesting to remove the stone from the design. The approved colors are natural linen, blustery sky, parakeet, alabaster and utterly beige.
The Board voted to approve this change.
Shadow Wood Community Association – Three Oaks Parkway guardhouse
Shadow Wood 3 Oaks Parkway guardhouse
Shadow Wood Community Association was seeking approval to remodel the existing guardhouse at 3 Oaks Parkway, changing the appearance to replicate their renovated Coastal style clubhouse at the  Coconut Road entrance.
They plan to increase the height and roof overhang to 15 feet to accommodate fire trucks. The proposed color is shitake with pearly white and cyberspace accent colors and charcoal roof tiles.
The Board voted to approve this application.
Coconut Trace
Coconut Trace Hotel
Coconut Trace was seeking a zoning amendment to allow for a 122-room 4-story extended stay hotel at 22910 Lynden Drive, located east of Marsh Landing, west of US 41 and across from Coconut Point Mall.
They are proposing a Prairie style building, with an outdoor pool amenity on the eastern side of the building away from adjacent Marsh Landing residential buildings. There will be a fence and landscape screening around the pool, and natural screening to the south, further enclosing the outdoor amenity. The light fixtures will be designed to minimize impacts to the adjacent community. The hotel will not include a restaurant.
The applicant plans to provide supplemental landscaping where the vegetation is lacking adjacent to Marsh Landing.
Public Comment: A number of eComments were received, and a resident spoke, expressing concerns about flooding, noise, line of sight and property values.
The Board voted to continue this application in order for the applicant to meet with the community.
Starbucks – Estero Town Center
The applicant is proposing a 2,808 square foot, free-standing fast-food restaurant with drive-through. They will also have a 492 square foot outdoor seating area.
The architecture proposed has elements of the Mediterranean and Mediterranean Revival style to be consistent with the somewhat eclectic style of the shopping center. It will feature earth tones, wooden trellises, large cornices, a tower with tile roof and the architecture will be four sided (around the entire building).
They will have covered patio seating, public outdoor seating areas, sidewalk connectivity throughout the site, bike racks and a robust landscape plan.
This will be located within the Estero Town Commons (Lowe’s Plaza), adjacent to the Wawa which is currently under construction.
The Board voted to approve this development order application with conditions.
Ordinance 2024-10 – Village Developments
From time to time the Village acquires ownership or long-term control over lands within the Village’s boundaries and determines that development of such lands for public purposes is in the Village’s best interests.
The amendments to the Village’s Land Development Code set forth in this ordinance achieves a balance between ensuring the goals and objectives of the Village’s Comprehensive Plan and LDC are attained, while eliminating the costs and logistical constraints associated with standard development approval procedures. This also will allow for projects to move forward faster.
Public Comment: 2 residents spoke against approval of this ordinance stating it sets a double standard for the Village, with a lack of communication and transparency.
The Board voted to recommend Council not approve this ordinance.
Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website
The next Planning Zoning & Design Board meeting will start at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 12, 2024.