Public Comment on non-agenda items:
The Estero Council of Community Leaders (ECCL) COO asked that Councilmembers consider being a judge for the high school and middle school essay contest. The winning students receive a scholarship sponsored by the ECCL, Estero Historical Society and Greater Estero Chamber of Commerce.
A candidate for the Lee County School Board introduced herself and provided her background information.
A resident expressed concerns regarding the formerly proposed school on Three Oaks Parkway.
The editor of Estero Life Magazine pointed out that the most recent issue of the magazine’s “Village Connection” page provides an introduction to the Village staff.
U.S. Bicycle Route 15
Council started their meeting by adopting Resolution 2022-02 supporting the establishment and alignment of the U.S. Bicycle Route 15 which will travel through the Village.
The proposed plan calls for Florida to extend this bike route from Madison to Miami. This alignment runs through Lee County, City of Fort Myers, Village of Estero, and City of Bonita Springs. The proposed alignment received input and support from the Lee County MPO Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinating Committee. All routes are on roads with existing bike lanes.
Sandy Lane and Broadway East Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements Project
Broadway East & Sandy Lane
Sandy Lane and Broadway Ave. East were identified in the Village’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan as high priority areas for bicycle and pedestrian improvements. There are currently no bike lanes, paths or sidewalk along either road. In some areas there are also no shoulders; residents are forced to walk in the roadway.
Council authorized staff to negotiate a contract with the number 1 ranked firm Atkins North America, Inc., to provide professional consulting services for this project. The shared use path will run from U.S. 41 down Broadway East, then south on Sandy Lane to the bike/ped routes on Via Coconut Point and Corkscrew Road. The design is expected to take approximately 9 – 12 months.
Broadway West utilities extension project
Broadway Avenue West
The communities along Broadway Avenue contain the majority of the septic tanks located within Estero. The Village is proposing two projects to design and permit the extension of water and sewer into the communities along Broadway Ave.
Council authorized staff to negotiate a contract with the Number 1 ranked firm Johnson Engineering, Inc. to provide professional consulting services for the Broadway Avenue West Utilities Extension Project. This covers the communities at the western end of Broadway Avenue as shown above.
The contractor will reach out to the affected residents to keep them informed of the progress of this septic to sewer project.
Broadway Avenue East utilities extension project
Broadway Avenue East
Council authorized staff to negotiate a contract with the Number 1 ranked firm Tetra Tec, Inc. to provide professional consulting services for the Broadway Avenue East Utilities Extension Project. This is generally the Trailside area and the communities located along Broadway Ave. east of U.S. 41 as shown above.
The contractor will reach out to the affected residents to keep them informed of the progress of this septic to sewer project.
Public Comment on non-agenda items: A resident questioned the student occupancy numbers stated by the Lee County School District and would like to see an updated Census for Estero.
Greater Estero Virtual Information Center (GEVIC)
Barry Freedman, chairman of the Greater Estero Virtual Information Center (GEVIC) task force, introduced this project as an information database about all things in and about Greater Estero, which includes South Fort Myers (from Alico Road corridor south), Estero and Bonita Springs. The vision of GEVIC is to promote Greater Estero as a destination to visit, invest, live, learn, work and play.
Paul Franke, Simpleview, gave a presentation on the importance of destination information sites for a community’s job creation, local spending and tax revenue. His design and website development company has been in business for 20 years and works with over 900 destinations across the U.S.
Chris Armstrong, Hoffman Creative Agency, gave a presentation on how GEVIC will work. Simpleview would design the site and Hoffman Creative Agency would manage the site, database and information. They would use social media, mailers, rack cards at various businesses, airport display and more to increase tourism, community involvement and spending in Estero.
The Village would be asked for a one-time investment of $125,00 to support this project should it go forward in the future.
Public Comment: A resident spoke about how helpful this type of site would have been for him to access in his future move north; instead he had to access about 100 sites in order to get the information he was looking for.
No voting occurs during workshops.
Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website here.
The next Council meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, February 16, 2022.