
Front row: San Carlos Assistant Fire Chief Glen Van Brunt, Mayor Jon McLain, Lee County Sheriff’s Department Lt. Gunn and Lt. Tarsia. Back row: Councilmembers Lori Fayhee, Larry Fiesel, Vice-Mayor Joanne Ribble, Councilmembers Rafael Lopez, George Zalucki and Jim Ward.
The meeting started with Mayor Jon McLain reading a proclamation recognizing Patriot Day. On September 11, 2001, our nation experienced a series of airline hijackings that led to the worst terrorist attacks seen in the US.
The proclamation states that the Village Council wishes to recognize September 11 as an annually recognized national day of service and remembrance.
First Public Budget Hearings
Resolution 2024-16 – adopting tentative levying of ad valorem taxes
Council approved this resolution adopting the tentative millage rate and tentative levying of ad valorem taxes for fiscal year 2024-2025 at a millage rate of 0.7400 mills ($0.7400 per $1,000 of assessed property value).
This was the first formal public hearing. The second and final public hearing will be held at 5:05 p.m., September 18.
Resolution 2024-17 – adopting tentative budget FY 2024-2025
Council approved this resolution adopting the tentative budget for fiscal year 2024-2025.
The proposed budgeted expenditures are:
General Fund | $ 9,640,360 |
Special Revenue | $ 1,554,600 |
Capital Projects | $ 79,868,914 |
Driving Range Fund | $ 10,800 |
Total All Funds | $ 91,074,674 |
The second public hearing for the budget will be held on September 18 at 5:05 p.m.
Action Items
Ordinance No. 2024-08 – Continue second reading of zoning ordinance for Plaza del Sol CPD to a future date
This is a proposed zoning amendment for mixed use including self-storage, hotel and other retail and office uses on a 7-acre site in Plaza Del Sol, located off Arcos Avenue in the northeast quadrant of Three Oaks Parkway and Corkscrew Road.
Council held a first reading on this case on July 3, 2024. The applicant is continuing to work on revisions to documents, including the Pattern Book, and needs additional time.
Council voted to continue the second reading of this ordinance to a future date.
Sports Park qualifications evaluation
Sports Park
The Village’s Master Plan includes development of an active sports and park node around Estero High School. In July, the Village issued a Request for Qualifications for design services for the Sports Park campus. The Village received seven proposals which have now been narrowed down to three. The final ranking is: 1. Perez Planning + Design, LLC, 2. Harvard Jolly/PBK, 3. Osports.
Public Comment: A resident questioned the role of Vieste with this agreement.
Council authorized Village Manager Steve Sarkozy to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked firm to develop a master plan for the Sports Park. This will be brought back to Council for approval once the financial terms and scope of work have been determined.
Village of Estero and Lee County Utilities interlocal agreement
The Village is working to extend water and sewer to eliminate existing private sewage treatment plants and septic systems. The goal is to improve surface and groundwater quality and connect these systems to the public sanitary sewer collection system operated by Lee County Utilities (LCU).
This interlocal agreement is designed to establish a means for the Village and LCU to mutually agree upon cost reimbursements for expenses incurred to construct and/or relocate LCU infrastructure when determined necessary by the Village or when requested by LCU. This agreement also grants authorization for the Village to work within LCU easements as a part of the construction and/or relocation of existing or new LCU infrastructure.
Council approved this interlocal agreement and authorized Village Manager Steve Sarkozy to sign the agreement for the Village and submit it to Lee County for final approval and recording.
First Readings
Ordinance 2024-10 – path for approval of Village projects
From time to time the Village acquires ownership or long-term control over lands within the Village’s boundaries and determines that development of such lands for public purposes is in the Village’s best interests.
The amendments to the Village’s Land Development Code set forth in this ordinance achieves a balance between ensuring the goals and objectives of the Village’s Comprehensive Plan and LDC are attained, while eliminating the costs and logistical constraints associated with standard development approval procedures. This also will allow for projects to move forward faster.
Public Comment: 1 eComment card was placed into the record.
Council passed the first reading of this ordinance.
Ordinance 2024-12 – Village property security and trespass policies
Council voted to table this ordinance to a future date.
Corkscrew Road landscaping update
Corkscrew Road
The Village’s consultant, Johnson Engineering, provided an update on the Corkscrew Road and I-75 interchange landscaping and irrigation renovation design. He described some of the constraints that exist along the corridor, including the existence of underground utilities, as well and the available opportunities, such as some areas of wide medians. They plan to use a variety of Florida native and Florida friendly plant materials including ornamental trees, palm trees, shrubs and grasses.
No voting occurs during workshops.
Williams Road widening update
Future growth in Estero, and specifically the development of the North Point property located east of US 41 north of Williams Road, is expected to require Williams Road from US 41 to Via Coconut Point to be widened to accommodate increased traffic.
The Village’s consultant KCA provided a project update which included two design alternatives. Both alternatives include: four 11’ lanes to increase traffic capacity, a shared use path, sidewalk, bike lanes and landscaping.
These two alternatives also will be reviewed by North Point officials for their input.
No voting occurs during workshops.
FEMA update
Community Development Director Mary Gibbs provided an update of staff’s efforts to respond to FEMA’s July 19, 2024 letter about a potential CRS retrograde and potential flood insurance probation.
The presentation included a summary of staff’s activities and FEMA required documents. There will be financial impacts associated with the two plans required by FEMA. The financial impacts are being evaluated and an amount will be allocated to this year’s budget.
Village staff have been meeting weekly with FEMA staff and working on FEMA’s Corrective Action Plan which is due by September 16 followed by FEMA’s Substantial Damage Administrative Procedures Plan which is due November 18. (Lee County, Bonita Springs, Cape Coral and Ft. Myers Beach also are required to complete these plans.)
No voting occurs during workshops.
Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website.
The next Council meeting and final budget hearing will be held at 5:05 p.m., Wednesday, September 18, 2024.