
Front row: Mayor Jon McLain with Jewel Faerber
Back row: Councilmembers Lori Fayhee, George Zalucki, Vice Mayor Joanne Ribble, Rafael Lopez and Jim Ward

Mayor Jon McLain presented a proclamation to Jewel Faerber honoring her late husband Joseph Faerber. Faerber had served as the first Village of Estero Special Magistrate. He was honored for his 8 years of service as the Code Enforcement Magistrate which were marked by exemplary dedication and commitment.


The Government Finance Officers Association presented the Village with a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the Village’s comprehensive financial report for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2023.

In addition, a Certificate of Recognition for Budget Preparation is presented to the individual/department designated as primarily responsible for this achievement.  Finance Director Kevin Greenville and his staff were congratulated.

Public Comment on non-agenda items: A resident invited everyone to participate in the Rotary Club of Estero’s 5K Run & Walk for Mental Health on Saturday, October 26 from 4-7p.m. at the Estero Community Park.

Action Items

Renewal of lobbying services

Council approved the renewal contracts with Ronald L. Book, P.A. (annual cost: $42,350) and JEJ & Associates, Inc. (annual cost: $43,560) to provide professional State Legislative and Executive Branch lobbying services for a one-year period. This also includes a contingency amount of $4,235 for Ronald L. Book, P.A. and $4,356 for JEJ & Associates, Inc. totaling $8,591 (an amount equal to 10% of the total project cost).

This team has assisted the Village with strategizing and receiving funds for improvements within Estero.

Council also granted the Village Manager the right to reauthorize the renewal of these contracts for three additional one-year terms under the same terms and conditions.



First Reading

Ordinance 2024-12 – Village property security & trespass policies

With the adoption of this ordinance, the Village will enact specific rules related to the safety and security of its building areas and lands, while also ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens are protected.

Council passed the first reading of this ordinance to a second reading on November 6, 2024.

Second Reading & Public Hearing

Ordinance 2024-13 – Estero Townhomes

Estero Townhomes

There was a second reading of this ordinance for the proposed Estero Townhomes to be located on the northeast corner of Sandy Lane and Corkscrew Road.  The applicant was requesting a rezoning for this 21.4-acre site, which is currently vacant. Their plans call for 154 two-story townhomes at a height of 35 feet.  There will be 8 different floor plans with one- and two-car garages available.

They plan a meandering landscaped sidewalk along Corkscrew Road, small parks at the east and west corners of the property, a swimming pool and a lake with two fountains.

Here is the applicant’s presentation.

Council voted to approve this ordinance with a number of conditions.

Ordinance 2024-15 – Declaration of local emergencies

Recent tropical storm/hurricane activity in the Gulf of Mexico presented the Village the opportunity to examine its current local emergency declaration code provisions.

In light of state and local measures, and in an effort to further streamline and modernize the Village’s emergency declaration rules, the Village Attorney has proposed amendments to the Village code.

Council voted to approve this ordinance.


Capital Improvement Program

Capital Improvement Plan

Public Works Director David Willems provided a discussion of the upcoming Capital Improvement Projects to confirm the Village’s priorities.  This discussion outlined the Village’s capital spending for the next 2-3 years, weighing the cost benefit of each project.

Here is the list of priorities reviewed for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.  There will be additional briefings in the future.

No voting occurs during workshops

Vitalink – placemaking project update


Kathy Horn, VP with Vitalink, gave a presentation on the importance of signage for validating a community’s brand.

Vitalink is a subcontract consultant to Kisinger Campo & Associates as part of the Williams Road widening project.

Vitalink’s responsibilities are to build and expand the Village’s brand, creating a sense of identity and place for the activity hubs within the Village. VIESTE is assisting staff with the oversight Vitalink’s work.

There will be a public meeting to gather resident opinion.  Complete details to follow.

No voting occurs during workshops.

Residents may view the archived meeting by going to  the Village website.

The next Council meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, November 6, 2024.