The CARES Act, Firestone Tire Center, stormwater discharge and Land Development Code were reviewed by Council on December 2, 2020
Public Comment: A resident spoke against overgrowth in Estero. Resolution 2020-25 Covid-19 CARES Act This resolution pertains to the contracts to procure personal protective equipment and community testing for COVID-19. The total fund expenditure for Covid-19 projects is expected to be approximately $421,200, when complete. The Village is working with Lee County to receive reimbursement for these expenses through the CARES Act funding. Council voted to continue this resolution to their December 9 meeting. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES Ordinance 2020-09 – Firestone Tire Center There was a second reading of this ordinance pertaining a request to amend the zoning for [Read More.]
Planning & Zoning Board conducted a workshop addressing the Land Development Code Part 2C on December 1, 2020
Village consultants Clarion Associates and Johnson Engineering conducted a third and final workshop on the proposed Land Development Code (LDC). The LDC, which is required by the state, provides guidelines for all development and re-development in the Village. It addresses architecture, open space and parking, landscaping, sidewalks, bike/ped improvements, traffic and stormwater and the types of permits required for these projects. Part 2C of the LDC focuses on general provisions, administration, and rules of construction, interpretation and measurement. Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website The next Planning & Zoning Board meeting will be [Read More.]
Coconut Landing, water quality, Firestone Tire Center and Land Development Code addressed by Council on November 18, 2020
Council started their meeting by conducting a public hearing for Ordinance 2020-07, an amendment to the comprehensive plan to add Coconut Landing to the future land use map. This is a 10-acre parcel, voluntarily annexed to the Village in January 2020. It is located one mile west of US 41 on the north side of Coconut Road, east of El Dorado Acres. Council voted to transmit Ordinance 2020-07 to the State for review. Following State review, it will come back to Council for an adoption hearing. (Ordinance) There was a first reading of Ordinance No. 2020-08 providing for the prohibition [Read More.]
Planning & Zoning Board conducted a workshop addressing the Land Development Code Part 2 on November 17, 2020
Village consultants Clarion Associates and Johnson Engineering conducted a workshop on the proposed Land Development Code (LDC) Part 2. LDC, which is required by the state, provides guidelines for all development and re-development in the Village. It addresses architecture, open space and parking, landscaping, sidewalks, bike/ped improvements, traffic and stormwater and the types of permits required for these projects. Part 2 of the LDC focuses on the site development standards, natural resources, public facility funding and coordination, and nonconformities. Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website The next Planning & Zoning Board meeting will [Read More.]
CIP process and Land Development Code reviewed by Council on October 7, 2020
Mayor Bill Ribble, Zachary Burch and Vice-Mayor Katy Errington The meeting started with an update on the I-75 construction project by Zachary Burch, Florida Department of Transportation. He stated that the $8.6 million project is on schedule to be completed in the spring. New street lights have been installed; once they are operational, the old ones will be taken down. The on/off ramps are being extended by 1500 ft., and the dual left turn lanes on Corkscrew Road will also assist with the flow of traffic. The sidewalks are being raised and they are re-profiling the ditches, making them wider. [Read More.]
Joint meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board and Design Review Board meeting addressed the Land Development Code Assessment on October 16, 2018
Clarion Consultants presented the Land Development Code Assessment at a joint meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board and the Design Review Board on October 16 . Clarion Consultants have been working with Johnson Engineering and the Village staff to design and streamline the Village’s first Land Development Code. They presented a diagnosis of themes and goals along with a detailed outline of suggestions for the Code. The four themes are 1) creating a user-friendly code, 2) implementing the Comprehensive Plan, 3) restructuring, modernizing and tailoring the zone districts to Implement the Comprehensive Plan and 4) consider modernizing the site [Read More.]
Phoenix of Estero’s proposed solar panel field and Land Development Code reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Board on July 17, 2018
Public Information Meeting Phoenix of Estero The applicant is requesting a minor amendment to the Master Concept plan to provide for a proposed 7.04 acre, ground-mounted solar panel field in the property’s dry detention area. The solar field will be 6 ft. in height and enclosed with a black chain link fence surrounded by shrubs. The panels will be fixed, provide approximately 20% of the energy required by the facility, should last approximately 30 years, and will not be visible from Three Oaks Parkway or Corkscrew Road. FPL will inspect the field prior to operation. Phoenix of Estero is an [Read More.]
Remodeling Village Hall 2nd floor, Land Development Code update and legal services are on the agenda for the December 6 Council meeting
The contract for the 2nd floor Village Hall remodel, ranking of consultants for the Land Development Code update, railroad crossings agreement and legal services related to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code are on the agenda for the Council meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, December 6, 2017. The full agenda is available here: Village Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, near the entrance to the Estero Community Park. Residents are invited to attend and comment on agenda items or they may watch the meeting online at: