Reminder: Estero Fest to feature Ben Allen Band on Saturday, March 15
Estero Fest 2025 offers something for everyone to enjoy from 1-8 p.m. on March 15. There will be 4 live bands, 11 food trucks, a beer & wine garden, a Kids Zone, a business expo, Estero Fire Rescue and Lee County Sherriff’s Office displays, and Estero Councilmembers celebrating the Village’s 10th anniversary with handouts. The bands start playing at 1 p.m., led off by the Swamp Blues Band, followed by the Sudamerica Latin Groove Band, Incorrigibles Band and Ben Allen and the Ben Allen Band. Food selection includes everything from snacks, BBQ, Greek, Mexican, hamburgers & fries to ice cream. [Read More.]
Corkscrew Road Shared Use Path Project update March 1, 2025
The Village of Estero project is constructing a 10-foot-wide asphalt pathway on the north side of Corkscrew Road from Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to Palermo Lake Court, and 6-foot-wide concrete sidewalk from east of Palermo Lake Court that connects to the sidewalk that runs to Vista built by Lee County’s previous widening project. A 10-foot-wide asphalt pathway will also be constructed on the south side of Corkscrew Road from Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to Bella Terra Boulevard. Roadway and pathway lighting similar to those on Estero Parkway will be installed to complement the new facilities, along with a substantial amount [Read More.]
Click it or Ticket: Driving Safety
The danger isn’t always you. You never know when another driver will make a dangerous mistake. Buckle up. #SafeEstero #drivingsafety #teendrivers
Estero pavement striping and marking project underway
The Village’s contractor McShea Contracting has initiated marking and striping roads within Estero, both for public safety as well as appearance. This work is being performed between the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 4:30 a.m. Roads being serviced include: Coconut Rd, Via Coconut Point, Williams Rd, River Ranch Rd, Sandy Ln, Broadway East, Broadway West, Charing Cross, Everblades Pkwy, Highland Oaks Dr, Tiburon Way(Partial), Estero Parkway.
Estero Fest 2025 – fun for everyone
Estero Fest 2025 offers something for everyone to enjoy from 1-8 p.m. on March 15. There will be 4 live bands, 11 food trucks, a beer & wine garden, a Kids Zone, a business expo, Estero Fire Rescue and Lee County Sherriff’s Office displays, and Estero Councilmembers celebrating the Village’s 10th anniversary with handouts. The bands start playing at 1 p.m., led off by the Swamp Blues Band, followed by the Sudamerica Latin Groove Band, Incorrigibles Band and Ben Allen Band. Food selection includes everything from snacks, BBQ, Greek, Mexican, hamburgers & fries to ice cream. Food truck vendors include Between [Read More.]
Flood Awareness Week, Finance Certificate of Achievement and eminent domain among topics addressed by Council on February 19, 2025
Front left to right: Floodplain Manager Kristin Schumacher, Mayor Jon McLain, Public Works Project Manager Robert Wiley, Community Development Director Mary Gibbs and Planning & Zoning Administrative Assistant Lisa Reitbauer. Back: Councilmembers Lori Fayhee, Larry Fiesel, Vice Mayor Joanne Ribble, Councilmembers Rafael Lopez, George Zalucki and Jim Ward. The meeting started with Mayor Jon McLain presenting a proclamation in coordination with Lee County and local area municipalities proclaiming Flood Awareness Week in the Village of Estero, March 3 – 9, 2025. The Village experienced severe weather in the past several years resulting in flooding in both coastal and riverine areas [Read More.]
Council to conduct workshops on the Planning, Zoning & Design Board’s annual report and an update on developments on February 19, 2025
Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, with a resolution authorizing eminent domain to obtain an easement in order to facilitate the Corkscrew Road sidewalk, landscaping and lighting project. This would allow the Village to obtain the easement if final efforts to obtain the easement voluntarily do not succeed. Council will then address a change order to a contract to secure the right of way on Williams Road and Atlantic Gulf Drive, followed by a change order to a contract for the Estero River sediment analysis. The meeting will conclude with two workshops: the Planning, Zoning & Design [Read More.]
High 5, Walmart expansion and Home2 Suites among projects addressed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on February 11, 2025
Public Information Meetings High 5 building elevation review Michael Comparato, Vieste LLC, presented revised architectural elevations for the south and west sides of the High 5 building, which are considered “the back door” of the facility. Comparato described vertical elements which had been added to the back of the building, along with landscape and hardscape features to buffer the area. The High 5 facility will consist of two floors of indoor/outdoor entertainment space. It will be built on the Village-owned Entertainment District property located on the north side of Williams Road, east of Via Coconut Point and the railroad right [Read More.]
Celebrate Estero at Estero Fest 2025
Estero’s premier event offers entertainment for everyone all day featuring 5 live entertainment acts, including Estero's own the Ben Allen Band as the headliner. In addition to the entertainment, there will be food trucks, a Kids Zone with bounce house & more, Beer & Wine Garden for adults, a Business Expo, LCSO & EFR assets & displays, and the Village of Estero Council and staff will be there celebrating Estero’s 10th anniversary. Join in on this free fun event from 1 – 8 p.m., Saturday, March 15, at the Estero Community Park, 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd. Plan on bringing your family, [Read More.]
Land use board reappointments and Coconut Trace addressed by Council on February 5, 2025
Public comment on non-agenda items: State Representative Adam Botana appeared on Zoom to address Estero’s election cycle. Resolution 2025-01 – Reappoint two Planning, Zoning & Design Board members for one year Two members of the Planning, Zoning, and Design Board have terms that expire on April 30, 2025. They are James Tatooles and Al Palvandy. Council approved this resolution reappointing them for another one-year term. RFP Estero Sports Park CMAR This topic was tabled for two weeks. Second reading & public hearing Ordinance 2024-14 – Coconut Trace amendment This is an amendment to the commercial zoning for a lot in [Read More.]