Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Programs
Village of Estero CDBG-DR Projects
The Village of Estero applied for and was awarded two Recovery and Resiliency Planning Program Grants and one Public Facilities and Critical Infrastructure Program Grant.

Recovery and Resiliency Planning Program
On December 5, 2023, Lee County issued a Notice of Funding Availability for planning projects that support programs, services, or communities within the county, while integrating mitigation and resilience measures. These measures are specifically aimed at reducing risks to people and property, minimizing public service interruptions for vulnerable populations, and addressing the disproportionate impacts of economic, social, and climate-related shocks on at-risk groups such as individuals with disabilities, the elderly, low- and moderate-income (LMI) households, and non-native English speakers.
In response, the Village of Estero submitted two planning project applications and was awarded a total of $900,000 to implement the following projects:

Public Facilities and Critical Infrastructure Program
On March 5, 2024, Lee County issued a Notice of Funding Availability aimed at supporting public facilities and critical infrastructure projects within the county. The funding is intended to assist with various initiatives, including the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or installation of public facilities, critical infrastructure, and related improvements. In response to this opportunity, the Village of Estero was awarded $15,315,470.00 for the following critical infrastructure project: