Action Items

Water monitoring contract

Council approved a contract with Johnson Engineering for $193,411, with a contingency of $19,000, to provide additional water monitoring services.

The Village’s Stormwater Master Plan includes recommendations to obtain additional water monitoring data to better understand water levels and water quality around Estero and improve the accuracy of stormwater models.

Tasks in this contract include 11 water quality monitoring sites (one new site to capture data downstream of Estero River Heights).

Council has approved contracts for water monitoring since 2020.

First Reading

Ordinance 2024-14 – Coconut Trace

Coconut Trace

This is an amendment to the commercial zoning for one lot in the approximately 25-acre commercial subdivision known as Coconut Trace, located on US 41, west of Lyden Drive and east of Marsh Landing. The site is currently vacant.

The applicant is requesting an amendment to allow for the development of a 122-room, 4-story hotel on Tract F. The approved zoning allows hotel on the lot fronting US 41, but not on this tract, necessitating the amendment.

Council posed a number of comments pertaining to the pattern book and passed this first reading to a second reading on February 5, 2025.

Ordinance 2025-01 – Village seal and administrative code

This ordinance pertains to revisions to the Village seal and administrative code.

In 2020, Council adopted an official seal of the Village of Estero. which is now set forth in the Village Code. Florida Statutes provides that the manufacture, use, display, or other employment of any facsimile or reproduction of a municipal seal, except by Village officials or employees in the performance of their official duties, without the express approval of the Village Council, constitutes a second degree misdemeanor.

When the Village was initially formed, it adopted significant portions of the Lee County Code and related County procedures. The Village Attorney recommended revision of the current Code to remove incorporation of the County administrative code, but to also authorize the Village Manager to create and maintain similar administrative rules and procedures as that official deems necessary.

Council passed this first reading to a second reading on January 22, 2025.


Corkscrew Road (Woodlands to Ben Hill Griffin) landscaping update

Corkscrew Road Landscaping

Public Works Director David Willems provided an update on the proposed landscape plan for the median along Corkscrew Road from Corkscrew Woodlands Blvd. to Ben Hill Griffing Parkway.

Johnson Engineering has completed the design and is working with the Florida Department of Transportation and Lee County Department of Transportation to obtain approvals to install the landscaping and irrigation.

The existing trees will be kept, supplementing those which are not doing well.  Ground cover will be added along with flowering bushes and small flowering trees.  Installation is expected to start sometime this summer.

Public Works Update

Public Works Director David Willems provided an update on a large number of ongoing  public works activities including utility expansion projects, the Sports & Entertainment District, Estero on the River, Ben Hill Griffin Parkway irrigation and more.

Community Development 2025 work plan

Community Development Director Mary Gibbs provided a summary of the department’s work plan, including major projects.  Much work in 2024 and again this year has gone toward successfully responding to FEMA’s 40 action items, and addressing a substantial number of permit backlogs due to the hurricanes.  She also addressed some of the many new developments to be reviewed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board.

FPL follow up

Village Manager Steve Sarkozy stated the Village has worked with Florida Power & Light (FPL) to address the internet outages experienced following Hurricane Milton.  FPL indicated the causes included salt spray not disbursed due to lack of rain, which has since been resolved due to rainfall.

The community of Wild Cat Run, however, is still experiencing frequent outages. The Village will be sending a letter to FPL to advocate on behalf of the residents of Wild Cat Run.

Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website.

The next Council meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, January 22, 2025.