Public Comment

Two residents spoke in favor of having a moratorium on further development in Estero until the Village’s stormwater study is completed in order for the Village to determine the flooding impacts of further development.

Two residents spoke about the importance of purchasing the 10-acre River Oaks Park Preserve off of East Broadway.

One resident thanked Village Manager Steve Sarkozy for his assistance in getting a waiver from the CSX railroad allowing Estero Country Club to enter the railway’s right-of-way to clear up that property.

Public Hearing

BudgetResolution No. 2017-24 – Tentative Ad Valorem Taxes

Council moved this resolution, setting the ad valorem taxes for FY 2017-2018 at 0.7998 mills, to a second reading.  This proposed millage rate is greater than the rolled‐back rate of 0.7682 mills by 4.11% which is still the lowest rate in Southwest Florida.

The second public hearing will be held at 5:30 p.m., October 4, 2017. (Resolution)

Resolution No. 2017-25 – Tentative Budget

Council moved this resolution, setting the proposed budgeted expenditures, to a second reading.  The proposed expenditures are as follows:

General Fund                     $ 5,423,750
Special Revenue                    1,123,260
Capital Projects                      5,912,200
                        Total                                   $12,459,210

The second public hearing will be held at 5:30 p.m., October 4, 2017. (Resolution & Budget)

Action Items

Interlocal agreement for natural resources services

 Lee County for Natural Resources ServicesCouncil approved the Interlocal Agreement with Lee County for Natural Resources Services for the 2017-18 fiscal year for $255,682.  Lee County is proposing a separate interlocal agreement for Animal Control Services which will be presented later.  (Agreement)

Village Council Liaison Assignments

Council approved liaison assignments to outside organizations and areas of strategic concern with the following changes: “Open Space” to be included with Parks & Recreation under Councilmember Jon McLain and the addition of “CSX railroad” under Councilmember Nick Batos.  The assignments, minus these changes, are located here.

Rules of Procedure

There was a brief discussion regarding Councilmembers conduct during Council meetings. (Rules of Procedure)

Public Comment

A resident spoke about concerns regarding further development on East Corkscrew Road and that impact on flooding issues.

Council Communications

Vice-Mayor Bill Ribble suggested Council conduct a workshop in the near future on how the Village can work with residents who have septic tanks.  When he was at the Florida League of Cities conference, he attended a workshop on medical marijuana where it was stated this will present a big problem for law enforcement regarding those driving under the influence. Two dispensary sites have been approved in Ft. Myers. He suggested Council revisit this topic in the future.  He reminded all that the Elks Club will be holding a Veterans Day breakfast from 8 – 10 a.m., 11/11/17.

Councilmember Jon McLain reminded everyone that the Village will hold its first Veterans Day event at the Estero Community Park from 11:30 – 2 p.m. on 11/11/17, with a free lunch.  He asked that veterans send him their bio so they can be recognized during the ceremonies.  McLain also wants Council to be proactive regarding looking at future development and flooding issues.

Councilmember Katy Errington stated there was damage to the shores of the Estero River as a result of the recent storms, with one large tree having fallen west of the bridge.  She also requested that the upcoming ethics training be advertised and open to the public as well as videotaped so that residents have a chance to see what requirements are placed on Councilmembers.

Councilmember Jim Wilson asked that further study be conducted with FDOT, LDOT and South Florida Water Management District to determine the responsibilities of each organization as related to flooding in order to help avoid flooding in the future.

Mayor Jim Boesch stated he visited the Mormon Church where they have volunteers helping flood-related issues in Ft. Myers, Bonita Springs and Estero.

Village Manager Steve Sarkozy stated staff is working with the county for debris removal, with 85-90% to be paid for by FEMA, and staff is continuing to work on ditch clean up.

Additional details are available in the minutes of this meeting.  Residents may also view the archived meeting by going to the Village website

The next Council meeting will held at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 4, 2017.