Corkscrew Crossing renderingCouncil will conduct a public hearing to consider adoption of compliance agreement to resolve an administrative challenge to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan.

In addition, they will review the second reading of ordinances addressing a Comprehensive Plan text amendment to the Future Land Use Policy 1.2.3. Wetlands and the Corkscrew Crossing Zoning Amendment.

Corkscrew Crossing is a 395-acre property located on the south side of Corkscrew Road, between Wildcat Run and The Preserve. The applicant is seeking approval for 590 residential units and a clubhouse on this site.

The full agenda is available here:

Residents are invited to attend or they may watch the meeting online at:

Village Council zoning hearings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, near the entrance to the Estero Community Park.