Lee County Solid Waste asks residents and visitors to “Take Charge” of proper battery disposal
Lee County Solid Waste has launched its “Take Charge” campaign to educate residents and visitors on proper battery disposal. Residents are reminded not to place any batteries in their recycling carts. Household alkaline batteries, AA, [Read More.]
Help welcome home our local heroes on September 30
Bring your family and friends to the Collier-Lee Honor Flight, Mission #25, Welcome Home Celebration starting at 8:30 p.m., Saturday, at RSW International Airport. You will find it’s one of the most patriotic events you [Read More.]
Estero’s tax rate reduced by Council at their meeting on September 20, 2023 Public Budget Meetings
Public Budget Meetings Resolution 2023-23 – final millage rate Council approved this resolution adopting the ad valorem taxes for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 at a millage rate of 0.74 mills, which is a reduction from the [Read More.]
Estero’s River Oaks Preserve looking for volunteers
The Village-owned River Oaks Preserve, a 10-acre property at the end of Broadway Avenue East, is now open on Sundays and Tuesdays from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. The Coccoloba Chapter of the Florida Native [Read More.]
Budget, water monitoring and utility extension projects on the agenda for Council at 5:05 p.m., September 20, 2023
Council will start their meeting at 5:05 p.m., Wednesday, with public hearings to adopt the millage rate and budget for FY 2023-24. There will then be proclamations presented to Pinewoods Elementary Principals Leslie Gunderson and [Read More.]
Corkscrew Road Widening Update from Lee County September 15, 2023
Beginning Monday, September 18, crews will be reconstructing the intersection of Midnight Blue Boulevard at Corkscrew Road. During this time, one half of the driveway will remain open to two-way traffic, for both entering and [Read More.]
Estero Historical Society September 16 presentation has been postponed
The history of the Koreshan Unity Settlement program will be presented at a later date. The Society plans a Fall Yard Sale on October 14 and local historian Jacob Winge is scheduled to give a [Read More.]
Believe n Books Children’s Book Drive
Join the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and Believe n Books to provide children’s books to underprivileged children throughout Southwest Florida. They will be gathering new and gently used books for children and young adults from [Read More.]
A history of the Koreshan Unity Settlement to be presented at the Estero Historical meeting September 16
Lead docent at Koreshan State Park Ron Wescott will describe how the Koreshan Unity Settlement moved from Chicago to southwest Florida in 1893 and had a profound effect on the development of this area. The [Read More.]
Cell phone tower, Abbiati Dental and Estero Park among topics addressed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on September 12, 2023
Public Information Meeting Cell phone tower at Bella Terra A representative for Broadus Towers described the proposed Bella Terra project as a 148-foot-tall dull gray monopole which will hold antennas for 4 carriers, with Verizon [Read More.]