Two new members of the Board were introduced: Barry Freedman, resident of The Vines, and Jim Wallace who is a former Design Review Board member.
Village Land Use Attorney Nancy Stroud reviewed a variety of criteria of importance for the new Board members.
Public Hearing
The Board approved, with conditions, the two-story 18,000 sq. ft. Houck Medical facility located at Plaza del Sol, 10200 Arcos Avenue, one parcel east of Three Oaks Parkway and Corkscrew Road.
The Board complimented the applicant on the appearance of the building which will be painted with two shades of white, with red tile roof tiles. The roof height of the building is 33 feet with the architectural elements of the entry bringing the building height to 38 feet 7 inches tall.
An outdoor gathering area will be provided including a covered seating area with benches and landscape features.
Landscaping includes the existing oak trees, with the addition of cabbage palms, royal palms, cypress trees, green buttonwood trees and magnolia trees.
The monument sign matches the architecture of the building.   (Presentation)
Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website