Together We Can Make Estero Shine!
Keeping the best and brightest for Estero's future
Mission Statement
The Estero Educational Initiative is established to create a partnership between the Village of Estero and the Lee County School District to help make the schools in Estero the best they can be.
It is the goal of the Estero Educational Initiative to create a public/private partnership between the Village of Estero and the Lee County School District, businesses, civic organizations, residents, parents and school staff to work together to encourage volunteerism in our schools and to raise funds to improve educational, recreational and esthetic experiences in our schools.
Village of Estero notified of FEMA decision to maintain Community Rating System classification and NFIP policyholder discounts
Decision comes after 8 months of effort by Estero demonstrating decisions rooted in adherence to FEMA requirements and guidelines The Village of Estero was notified today, November 21, 2024, that FEMA will maintain the Village of Estero’s rating and National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policyholder discounts following 8 months of diligent work by the Village to provide all requested and required documentation. Estero residents with policies issued under the NFIP will maintain the discount rate of 20%. Estero has enjoyed an exemplary working relationship with FEMA. The Village joined the NFIP following incorporation in 2015, and in 2017, received a CRS rating of 6. Since that time, the Village has taken an aggressive approach to mitigate impacts from flooding and initiated a land purchase program intended to reduce future risks. In March 2024, FEMA initially announced plans to retrograde that discount, prompting months of work by Estero to submit documentation requested by FEMA. The Village worked collaboratively with FEMA to submit a corrective action plan and substantial damage administrative procedures prior to the Nov. 18 deadline. During Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton, the Village illustrated its proactive response to adhere to FEMA’s NFIP and CRS requirements and [Read More.]
Community organizations present scholarships to Estero High School students
Three $1,000 scholarships were presented to Estero High School seniors on May 5 thanks to the Estero Chamber of Commerce, Estero Council of Community Leaders (ECCL) and the Estero Historical Society. Students were asked to submit a two-page essay on one of the following topics: Business in the Estero Area (sponsored by the Estero Chamber of Commerce), Governance in the Estero Area (sponsored by the ECCL) and History of the Estero Area (sponsored by the Estero Historical Society). Students were able to submit a separate essay for each of the above topics if they wished, and thus be eligible for all the awards. Congratulations to J. Oelmann for receiving the award for both Business History and Village History, and to Clayton Chauncy for receiving the award for Governance History. Kudos also to the Estero organizations for inspiring the competition and providing the financial support. Mike Wasson and Terry Flanagan, ECCL, presented the $1,000 Governance History Scholarship to Clayton Chauncey. Gail Langner, President, Estero Historical Society, presented the $1,000.00 Village History scholarship to J. Oelmann.
Former Estero Councilmember and first Mayor Nick Batos honored by Estero High School on May 27, 2021
Estero High School Principal Michael Amabile, former Principal Clayton Simmons, Culinary Program Chef Shanna Ross and Senior Class President Lillian Broduer were among those who came to honor former Councilmember and Estero’s first mayor Nick Batos with a paver in his name to be located at the front of the school. Nick was given this special recognition as he had served as the Village Council’s liaison to the Estero High School during his two terms on Council. Among the many projects Nick worked on in conjunction with the school, his major contribution was initiating the “Evening under the Shadow Wood” fundraising event which ran 4 years in a row. It started as a project to support the culinary department to provide the tools and equipment used in the industry, allowing the students to participate in events throughout the community and compete at the state level. The program grew in 2019 to support not only the culinary department but also the music, dance, drama and visual arts departments, raising over $43,000 that year. In 2020, Nick acquired signs to honor the class of 2020 whose graduation events didn’t take place due to COVID. He made sure every graduate [Read More.]
Council conducted first public hearing for a Comprehensive Plan amendment for a proposed school site on Three Oaks Parkway on May 26, 2021
First Reading of Ordinance 2021-07 Comprehensive Plan Amendment-School Site The School District of Lee County was requesting the Comprehensive Plan Amendment in order to develop an elementary and middle school, as well as related facilities, at this site on Three Oaks Parkway. The School District stated these two new schools are necessary due to the current and anticipated capacity issues in the South 2 Subzone area that includes South Fort Myers, San Carlos Park and Estero. They have stated this subzone is currently operating at 107 percent of capacity. This proposed school site would be built to initially serve 1600 students for the first decade or so and then be expanded to serve 2300, which would be its ultimate capacity. A traffic signal would be placed at the entrance to the school prior to opening the buildings to students. The property is a 68.5-acre undeveloped parcel, located south of Copper Oaks, southeast of the Post Office and bounded by Three Oaks Parkway on the west and I-75 on the east. (Ordinance) Public Comment: 6 residents from neighboring communities spoke of their opposition to the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment primarily based on concerns pertaining to traffic and flooding [Read More.]
Estero High School graduation class is being celebrated with personal signage thanks to the Estero Education Initiative
The names of all of the Estero High School 2020 graduating class were proudly posted along the Williams Road school fence on a rainy Friday morning, May 15. District 6 Councilmember Nick Batos, Estero High School Principal Mike Amabile and school staff members were joined by some of the high school students and a number of other community volunteers who placed the signs along Williams Road for Estero residents to see as they drive by. The signs will be up through Friday, May 22. The 24”x 18” yard signs were provided by the Village of Estero’s Education Initiative as a tribute to the students. The Estero Education Initiative was founded in 2018 by Councilmember Nick Batos who serves as the Village’s liaison to the Lee County School District. This Initiative is a volunteer-run program and is funded through donations from residents and businesses. Donations go to the Estero Education Initiative which supports the schools in Estero. This project’s goal is to honor these graduating students and provide them with a special memory since they are missing so much in their senior year due to the Coronavirus. Many sports activities and the school’s prom had to be canceled, [Read More.]
Shadow Wood Community Association presented maintenance carts to Three Oaks Schools as part of Estero’s Education Initiative
Pictured left to right: Three Oaks Elementary School Assistant Principal Tami Le Master, Shadow Wood Country Club Grounds Manager George Pittman Jr., Principal Jodi Moorhead, Shadow Wood Country Club Equipment Manager Yamil Codero-Soto, Three Oaks Elementary School Building Supervisor Jack Duffee and Lee County School District Vice Chair and District 3 member Chris Patricca. The Shadow Wood Community Association recently presented a maintenance cart to Three Oaks Middle School and to Three Oaks Elementary School as part of Estero’s Education Initiative. The carts will be used by the Maintenance Department at each school for moving supplies around their campuses. The Estero Educational Initiative was established to create a partnership between the Village of Estero and the Lee County School District to help make the schools in Estero the best they can be. It is the goal of this Initiative to create a public/private partnership between the Village of Estero and the Lee County School District, businesses, civic organizations, residents, parents and school staff to work together to encourage volunteerism in our schools and to raise funds to improve educational, recreational and esthetic experiences in our schools. District 6 Councilmember Nick Batos is the Council Liaison [Read More.]