- Health Data: https://fdoh.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/8d0de33f260d444c852a615dc7837c8
- Global Confirmed Cases: 37,606,333 (1,078,097 deaths)
- S. Confirmed Cases: 7,768,629 (214,844 deaths)
- Florida Confirmed Cases: 736,024 (15,599 deaths, 46,015 hospitalizations, 5,574,469 tests, 13.20% positive rate)
- Lee County Confirmed Cases: 21,363 (483 deaths, 1,517 hospitalizations, 150,741 tests, 14.17% positive rate) (no reason was provided by the State of Florida’s dashboard for the decline in the total tests figure)
- Estero Confirmed Cases: 523 (The death and hospitalization numbers are not provided by the Florida State Department of Health)