- Health Data: https://fdoh.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/8d0de33f260d444c852a615dc7837c8
- Global Confirmed Cases: 115,913,859 (2,576,079 deaths)
- S. Confirmed Cases: 28,873,800 (522,221 deaths)
- Florida Confirmed Cases: 1,936,207 (32,093 deaths, 80,632 hospitalizations, 116,064 tests yesterday, 5.12% positive rate yesterday) (the State dashboard no longer provides cumulative testing totals)
- Lee County Confirmed Cases: 58,529 (886 deaths, 2,129 hospitalizations, 3,137 tests yesterday, 5.23% positive rate yesterday) (the State dashboard no longer provides cumulative testing totals) (the drop in the death and hospitalization totals is not explained on the State’s dashboard)
- Lee County Vaccinations: 63,239 first doses complete, 68,197 series complete
- Estero Confirmed Cases: 2,128 (The death and hospitalization numbers are not provided by the Florida State Department of Health)