The Village of Estero has compiled the most recent daily updates from the State of Florida, Lee County and the Village of Estero. This compilation provides updates from the governmental perspective. The information provided below was developed by our partner agencies for public consumption.
Village of Estero Update
Village Hall has closed the public lobbies as of 5:00 p.m., Monday, March 23.
- We will still be accepting online applications, records requests, requests for action related to roads and landscaping, and general inquiries.
- Our phone lines will remain open and we will have available a dropbox for paper building application
- Health Data:
- Global Confirmed Cases: 2,622,571 (182,004 deaths)
- U.S. Confirmed Cases: 835,316 (45,950 deaths)
- Florida Confirmed Cases: 28,309 (893 deaths, 4,288 hospitalizations) (see attached graph)
- Lee County Confirmed Cases: 794 (29 deaths, 179 hospitalizations)
- Estero Confirmed Cases: 30 (unknown death and hospitalization numbers)
- Practice “social distancing” by remaining at least 6 feet from others
- Limit gatherings to 10 people or less
- Tools like Zoom and Skype are great ways to stay connected virtually!
- Lee Health
- If you are experiencing acute COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough or runny nose, a doctor will see you via Lee Telehealth or your primary doctor via MyChart Video Visits. If the doctor suspects you have COVID-19, he or she will create a physician order and send it to our staff, who will then call to schedule an appointment for you to get tested at one of our mobile collection sites. These mobile collection sites are for patients with doctor’s orders and appointments only. You can get started here:
- Lee County
- All Lee County-owned parks and Conservation 20/20 preserves have now re-opened, except for Lakes Park. A list of the parks reopened are included below.
- Caloosahatchee Regional Park (north side only)
- Hickey Creek Mitigation Park
- JY Linear Park
- Lehigh Acres Trailhead Park
- Nalle Grade Park
- Pineland Monument Park
- Pinewood Trails Park
- Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve (excluding the interpretive center)
- Telegraph Creek Paddlecraft Launch
- Tropical Point Park
- All Lee County-owned parks and Conservation 20/20 preserves have now re-opened, except for Lakes Park. A list of the parks reopened are included below.
- Lee County School District
- Online instruction continues, as in-person classes have been cancelled for the remainder of this school year.
- The “grab and go” meal sites have collectively served 330,000+ meals to students, while school remains closed. Here are the pick-up locations:
- Mariner High School
- Gulf Middle School
- Hancock Creek Elementary School
- Harns Marsh Elementary School
- Island Coast High School
- J. Colin English Elementary School
- Tanglewood Elementary School
- State of Florida
- The “Safer at Home” executive order continues to be in effect.
- Governor DeSantis has created an order that allows governments, such as ours, to reach meeting quorum via video or teleconferencing. We will support virtual public attendance via our live stream and eComment card tools, which are already in place.
- Village of Estero
- Village Council held its first virtual meeting today, where they discussed the location of a new school in Estero and the annual Capital Improvement Plan. You can re-watch this meeting here:
Lee County Update
- On Monday, Lee Health, in conjunction with the Mayo Clinic, launched their COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Study. If you or someone you know has recovered from previously testing positive for COVID-19 and are interested in donating blood for this study, please contact local blood centers at
- As of this morning, some Lee County parks and preserves with hiking trails have reopened for use. Please refer to for a list of which locations are open.
- The health and safety of veterans in our community are of the utmost importance. That is why our Human & Veteran Services department is here for you now, and always. Learn more about the resources available to veterans by visiting:
- What matters to you? Schools? Transportation? Hospitals? Data from the U.S. Census Bureau helps inform planning efforts for all these important community resources. Complete your #2020Census online today, no human interaction required!
State of Florida Update (updated 4/21/2020 9:00 pm)
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The State of Florida is responding to COVID-19. In an effort to keep Florida residents and visitors safe and aware regarding the status of the virus, the Florida Department of Health will issue this update every day, seven days per week.
Governor Ron DeSantis is in constant communication with Florida Division of Emergency Management Director Jared Moskowitz and State Surgeon General Dr. Scott Rivkees as the State of Florida continues to monitor and respond to the threat of COVID-19.
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the members of the Re-Open Task Force Industry Working Group on Tourism, Construction, Real Estate, Recreation, Retail and Transportation and VISIT FLORIDA CEO Dana Young provided an industry update. Yesterday, Governor DeSantis announced the executive committee, which can be found here.
Members of the Re-Open Task Force Industry Working Group are as follows:
- Dana Young, President & CEO, VISIT FLORIDA
- Secretary Halsey Beshears, Secretary, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation
- Secretary Kevin Thibault, Secretary, Florida Department of Transportation
- Mayor Lenny Curry, Mayor, Jacksonville
- Mayor David Kerner, Mayor, Palm Beach County
- Sheldon Suga, Chairman, Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association
- Blake Casper, CEO, Caspers Company
- Amy Schwartz, Owner, Bella Bella Restaurant
- Collier Merrill, President, Merrill Land Company
- Philip Goldfarb, President & COO, Fontainebleau Miami Beach
- John Tolbert, President & Managing Director, Boca Resort and Club
- Jose Cil, CEO, Restaurant Brands International
- Josh D’Amaro, President, Walt Disney World Resort
- John Sprouls, CEO, Universal Orlando Resort, Executive Vice President, Universal Parks & Resorts
- Tim Petrillo, Co-Founder & CEO, The Restaurant People
- Dev Motwani, President & CEO, Merrimac Ventures
- Chad Harrod, CEO, Harrod Properties, Inc.
- Walter Carpenter, Chairman, NFIB Florida Leadership Council
- Len Brown, Executive Vice President & Chief Legal Officer, PGA Tour, Inc
- Gary Lester, Vice President, The Villages for Community Relations
- Glen Gilzean, President & CEO, Central Florida Urban League
- Max Alvarez, President, Sunshine Gasoline Distributors, Inc.
- Tom Crowley, CEO, Crowley Maritime Corporation
- Joe Lopano, CEO, Tampa International Airport
- Ted Christie III, President & CEO, Spirit Airlines
- Rick Sasso, President & CEO, MSC Cruises
- Maury Gallagher Jr., Chairman & CEO, Allegiant Air
- AJ de Moya, Vice President & General Manager, The de Moya Group, Inc.
- Paul Anderson, CEO, Port Tampa Bay
- Ken Stiles, CEO, Stiles Corporation
- Bob Flowers, President, C.W. Roberts Contracting, Inc.
- Rob Kornahrens, President & CEO, Advanced Roofing and Green Technlogies
- Monesia Brown, Director of Public Affairs and Government Relations, Walmart
- Cody Kahn, Owner, Holiday Inn Resort
- Matthew Caldwell, President & CEO, Florida Panthers Hockey Club
The task force, as well as working groups organized by industry, will hold daily discussions over the next week and then brief the Governor on their recommendations to re-open the state.
Recent actions the state has taken to respond to COVID-19:
- APD’s Developmental Disabilities Defendant Program (DDDP) of Chattahoochee received 10 cases of KN95 masks as a donation from local businesses.
- APD and the St. Johns County Health Department are working together to improve infection control measures at group homes. DOH is visiting homes and reviewing cleaning and sanitizing measures and proper usage of personal protective equipment.
- As of April 21, approximately 2,348 Florida National Guardsmen (FLNG) are currently deployed to support Florida’s response to COVID-19.
- FLNG has expanded its support to mobile testing teams and the community-based and walk-up test sites. To date, FLNG has assisted in the testing of over 64,380 individuals for the COVID-19 virus.
- FDOT is leading the coordination of DOH and the Florida Highway Patrol to implement Executive Order 20-86. To date, more than 8,300 traveler forms have been collected at the I-10 and I-95 checkpoints.
- FDOT continues to coordinate with public use airports, DOH and law enforcement to implement Executive Order 20-80. To date, more than 15,900 traveler forms have been collected at public use airports across the state.
Additional actions the state has taken to respond to COVID-19:
- At the direction of Governor DeSantis, State Surgeon General Dr. Scott Rivkees declared a Public Health Emergency for COVID-19 in Florida.
- Governor DeSantis announced that the state ordered an additional 2,500 test kits to supplement the adequate resources already available to test for COVID-19. These additional test kits will enable the Department of Health, working with Florida health care providers, to test up to an additional 625,000 individuals. The Governor also suspended non-essential in state and all out-of-state travel for state employees for 30 days.
- Established a public call center for questions regarding COVID-19. The call center launched Monday, March 2, and is open 24/7.
- Established mechanisms for monitoring and coordination with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding epidemiological activities.
- Distributed CDC Interim Guidance for public health personnel evaluating Persons Under Investigation (PUI) and asymptomatic close contacts of confirmed cases at their home or non-home residential settings to CHDs.
- Approved and disseminated an updated Clinician Screening Tool for identifying COVID-19 PUIs.
- Implemented testing at all three State Public Health Laboratories.
- Distributed updated laboratory guidance regarding implementation of testing at State Public Health Laboratories.
- Implemented private lab testing.
- Developed and disseminated pandemic planning guidance.
- Advised CHDs and HCCs to retain expired personal protective equipment until further notice.
- Florida Department of Health is coordinating on mobile field hospital planning.
- DOH strike teams have completed assessments for 3,874 long term care facilities to determine immediate unmet needs and promote appropriate infection control practices.
- DOH strike teams have responded to long term care facilities with COVID-19 positive patients.
- DOH continues to work toward increasing capabilities at drive through, walk up and mobile COVID-19 testing sites.
- This week, the Division is making another major push of PPE to support health care workers in long-term care facilities. This includes:
- 4 million masks,
- 200,000 face shields,
- 500,000 gloves
- With that push, the Division will have distributed:
- More than 12 million masks
- More than 6 million gloves
- More than 800 thousand face shields
- 650 thousand shoe covers
- 330 thousand gowns
- More than 150 thousand containers of hand sanitizer
- 48 thousand goggles
- 28 thousand coveralls
- 18 thousand Tyvex suits
- Find more information on DEM’s response to COVID-19 here.
- On April 14, AHCA issued Emergency Order AHCA 20-002to temporarily suspend nursing home and Intermediate Care Facility assessment payments for March 2020 to help alleviate financial burdens. This EO suspension aims to alleviate financial burdens incurred at these facilities due to COVID-19.
- The Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) has created new temporary Personal Care Attendant program to help long-term care facilities fill staffing shortages. The program provides an 8-hour training on assisting with direct care so that personal care attendants can temporarily perform additional duties.
- AHCA has been working with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) to ensure current Medicaid recipients maintain benefits during the state of emergency. Medicaid application deadlines have also been extended.
- AHCA has made on-site visits to over 900 long-term care and residential facilities since the onset of the COVID-19 emergency. Additionally, AHCA has made over 5,000 telephone calls to residential providers statewide to assess infection control and prevention strategies, ensure county health department and local emergency operations center contact information are up to date, and assess supplies (specifically PPE).
- Find more information on AHCA’s response to COVID-19 here.
- The Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) has updated its dedicated compliance complaint form to include an option for reporting vacation rental compliance concerns. The Department’s Division of Hotels and Restaurants continues to monitor, review, and assign complaints received through this form for follow-up by division inspectors.
- Find more information on DBPR’s response to COVID-19 here.
- Per the Department of Children and Families’ (DCF) request, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) approved Florida’s waiver to permit the state to launch a pilot project that will allow families to purchase groceries online with their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. DCF will continue to work closely with the USDA and participating retailers to implement this project by April 21, 2020.
- Under Governor DeSantis’ direction, DCF has temporarily increased SNAP recipients’ benefit amount to the maximum monthly allotment based on household size.
- DCF worked with DOH to develop precautionary protocols for child welfare professionals and adult protective investigators who may have to make in-person visits to ensure the safety of those vulnerable populations.
- Find more information on DCF’s response to COVID-19 here.
- The Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) is closely aligned with the CDC Interim Guidance on Management of COVID-19 in Correctional and Detention Facilities.
- New inmate commitments from county jails undergo additional screening and 14-day quarantine before placement within the general population.
- FDC has suspended visitation and volunteer programs at all correctional institutions statewide.
- FDC correctional officers are authorized to wear approved face coverings or masks while working.
- Find more information on FDC’s response to COVID-19 here.
- Beginning April 20, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) will provide daily updates on the efforts made to address the challenges to Florida’s Reemployment Assistance program in response to COVID-19. This includes a new State Reemployment Assistance Claims Dashboard that will be updated daily to reflect the total number of Reemployment Assistance Claims submitted, verified, processed, and paid.
- Governor DeSantis issued an Executive Order 20-104 waiving the requirement for Floridians to claim their weeks for Reemployment Assistance.
- The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) announced more than 1,000 small businesses have been awarded more than $49 million from the Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan.
- Governor DeSantis has waived the work search and work registration requirements for individuals requesting Reemployment Assistance benefits, as well as the waiting week for receiving benefits. For more information, see the Reemployment Assistance Frequently Asked Questions.
- The Business Damage Assessment survey is activated and continues to accept surveys to assess the impact of COVID-19 on Florida’s local business operations and determine the appropriate actions for recovery.
- Find more information on DEO’s response to COVID-19 here.
- Governor Ron DeSantis and Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran announced that 32,614 laptop computers are being distributed to 34 mostly small, rural school districts throughout Florida and the Florida A&M University Developmental Research School.
- The Florida Department of Education (DOE) has delayed the deadline for teacher certification requirements and offered a fee waiver for testing. More than 22,000 teachers have taken advantage of the fee waiver so far.
- DOE continues to participate in multiple webinars on a weekly basis to provide technical assistance to stakeholders and education providers for distance learning.
- The Florida Department of Education (DOE) has compiled resources, information, and best practices for distance learning on its emergency response page.
- The Florida Virtual School has created the Online Learning Community with engaging and informative content for teachers and parents of K-12 students.
- Yesterday, Governor Ron DeSantis and Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran recommended that all Florida public and private K-12 schools continue distance learning and keep school campuses closed through June 3, the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year.
- Find more information on The Department of Education’s response to COVID-19 here.
- Pursuant to Executive Order 20-52 issued by Governor DeSantis, the Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA) issued Emergency Order 20-01on March 31 pertaining to in-person guardian visitation requirements where COVID-19 response and mitigation measures prevent such visits.
- DOEA issued guidance for Emergency Order 20-01 on March 31 for Public and Professional Guardians to remain in compliance with Florida Statute 744.361(14).
- DOEA continues to provide technical assistance to Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) regarding meals, billing, data entry, shopping assistance, telephone reassurance, health and wellness programs, and the elder helpline.
- Find more information on DOEA’s COVID-19 response here.
- Enterprise Florida, Inc. (EFI) recently announced the suspension of initial fees for its Microfinance Loan Guarantee Program to support Florida’s small business community impacted by COVID-19. Interested businesses must apply through a local lender. For further information please contact your lender or visit Enterprise Florida’s website.
- See resources compiled by EFI for businesses impacted by COVID-19 here.
- Effective March 23, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has closed all Florida State Parks to the public. Park field staff are on site to maintain grounds.
- Effective March 24, public access to lands within DEP’s Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas is closed. This includes state-owned uplands, such as beaches, islands, sand bars and emergent shoals within aquatic preserves. Vessel landings are strictly prohibited.
- On April 1, DEP issued an Emergency Final Order (EFO) granting a 30-day extension to the deadline for its regulated facilities to submit routine paperwork and reports.
- Find more information on DEP’s response to COVID-19 here.
- The Office of Financial Regulation (OFR) has issued Emergency Order 2020-02 extending certain filing deadlines for Florida’s financial services providers.
- OFR has issued Emergency Order 2020-01 extending certain renewal deadlines for money services businesses.
- Find more information on OFR’s COVID-19 response and available resources here.
- At the direction of Governor DeSantis, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) has issued an Emergency Order extending all Florida driver licenses, commercial driver licenses and identification cards that expire March 16 through April 30, 2020.
- The Florida Highway Patrol is assisting with the implementation and enforcement of Executive Order 20-86 at the direction of Governor DeSantis.
- Pursuant to Executive Order 20-52 issued by Governor DeSantis, FLHSMV Executive Director Rhodes has waived commercial truck hours of service regulations and other related regulations so that emergency supplies, equipment, commodities and resources can be moved more quickly and efficiently throughout the state.
- Find more information on FLHSMV’s COVID-19 response here.
- The Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) has issued Informational Memorandum OIR-20-06M providing guidance on the use of technology to help combat the spread of COVID-19, including encouraging insurers to broaden access to care for telehealth services, and requesting Pharmacy Benefit Managers to transition to an electronic audit process in order to avoid unnecessary risk and maintain social distancing.
- OIR has issued Informational Memorandum OIR-20-05M reminding insurers of applicable statutes regarding workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation insurers are expected to comply with all of the provisions of Florida’s Workers’ Compensation Law.
- OIR has issued Informational Memorandum OIR-20-03M directing all insurers and other entities regulated by OIR to review and update their business continuity and/or continuity of operations plans. Companies are directed to immediately contact OIR if their continuity plans are activated and/or if business operations become compromised so it can work with insurers to avoid any disruption in consumer services.
- OIR has issued Informational Memorandum OIR-20-04M providing general guidance on the treatment of policyholders as part of the state’s ongoing efforts to protect Floridians.
- OIR has issued Informational Memorandum OIR-20-02M as a reminder to all health insurers, health maintenance organizations, and other health entities to allow for early prescription refills.
- Find more information on OIR’s COVID-19 response here.
- The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) has suspended visitation at all state-operated juvenile detention centers and juvenile residential commitment programs until April 30, 2020.
- DJJ has also instituted additional screening measures for essential personnel and vendors within juvenile facilities.
- Find more information on DJJ’s COVID-19 response here.
- The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) continues to monitor protests held across the nation in relation to COVID-19 stay-at-home orders for threats or violence.
- FDLE continues to work with the Florida Police Chiefs Association and the Florida Sheriffs Association to monitor law enforcement staffing impacts and staffing needs due to COVID-19.
- FDLE continues to work with all Florida law enforcement entities on obtaining PPE needs.
- FDLE and FHP continue to facilitate the escort of testing collection kits statewide.
- FDLE continues to work with the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Police Chiefs Association to provide support to FHP at 1-10 and 1-95 checkpoints.
- FDLE continues to work with ESF-16 partners on airport screening missions.
- Find more information on FDLE’s COVID-19 response here.
- Effective March 23, Florida Lottery Headquarters and district offices are closed to the public until further notice.
- Find more information on the Florida Lottery’s COVID-19 response here.
- The Department of Management Services (DMS) launched a dedicated telework webpage ( to provide resources and tutorials for employees and employers operating in a remote work environment.
- At the Governor’s direction, DMS Secretary Jonathan Satter issued an emergency order to ensure federal benefits granted through The Families First Coronavirus Response Act are available to employees.
- As directed in Executive Order 20-52, DMS has amended the state employee health plan benefits plan documents to expand covered telehealth benefits at no additional employee cost.
- Also directed in Executive Order 20-52, DMS has amended the state employee health plan benefits plan documents to cover immunizations at participating in-network retail pharmacies at no cost to the member during this public health emergency.
- Find more information on DMS’ COVID-19 response here.
- As of April 21, approximately 2,348 Florida National Guardsmen (FLNG) are currently deployed to support Florida’s response to COVID-19.
- FLNG has expanded its support to mobile testing teams and the community-based and walk-up test sites. To date, FLNG has assisted in the testing of over 64,380 individuals for the COVID-19 virus.
- FLNG continues to support the state’s COVID-19 response through augmentation to airport screening measures, statewide logistics support, coordination, planning and operational mission sets.
- Task Force AID is preparing for the opening of the USACE Alternate Care Facility (ACF) at the Miami Beach Convention Center. FLNG will provide Guardsmen to conduct medical support operations.
- Find more information on DMA’s response to COVID-19 here.
- APD’s Developmental Disabilities Defendant Program (DDDP) of Chattahoochee received 10 cases of KN95 masks as a donation from local businesses.
- APD and the St. Johns County Health Department are working together to improve infection control measures at group homes. DOH is visiting homes and reviewing cleaning and sanitizing measures and proper usage of personal protective equipment. DOH is also providing any needed PPE to the facilities.
- APD issued Emergency Order 20-03, which temporarily suspends face to face visits to administer the Questionnaire for Situational Information to determine the level of need of APD customers.
- Find more information on APD’s response to COVID-19 here.
- The Department of Revenue (DOR) has a dedicated COVID-19 webpage for tax-related questions and information.
- The Department also has a dedicated COVID-19 webpage for child support customers and alternative options for handling many child support case activities without visiting an office.
- Find more information on DOR’s response to COVID-19 here.
- Paper reemployment assistance applications are available at career centers statewide. Florida’s local workforce development boards are working with community partners, libraries, local legislators and other organizations for additional application distribution.
- CareerSource Florida has launched an integrated public and business outreach campaign, Help is Here, a comprehensive resource for employment and business services for impacted Floridians.
- For a list of the 24 local workforce development boards within the CareerSource Florida network and their contact information, please click here.
- Find more information on CareerSource Florida’s response to COVID-19 here.
- The State University System (SUS) has directed all state universities to continue remote instruction through the end of the spring semester.
- The SUS has directed that traditional on-campus commencement ceremonies will not be held in May. Instead, each university is directed to develop an alternate schedule or method of delivery.
- Find more information on SUS’ response to COVID-19 here.
- Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-97, delaying elections in Pasco County at the request of Pasco County Supervisor of Elections Brian Corley.
- On April 6, Secretary of State Laurel M. Lee announced the issuance of an emergency order and emergency rules to extend annual report filing deadlines for business entities, as well as outline changes to the candidate petition and candidate qualifying processes.
- Find more information on the Florida Department of State’s Response to COVID-19 here.
- Governor Ron DeSantis announced that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is expediting several infrastructure projects throughout the state due to the reduction in traffic from COVID-19. Find more information about FDOT’s accelerated projects here.
- FDOT is leading the coordination of DOH and the Florida Highway Patrol to implement Executive Order 20-86. To date, more than 8,300 traveler forms have been collected at the I-10 and I-95 checkpoints.
- FDOT continues to coordinate with seaports across the state to monitor port activity.
- FDOT continues to coordinate with public use airports, DOH and law enforcement to implement Executive Order 20-80. To date, more than 15,900 traveler forms have been collected at public use airports across the state.
- Find more information on FDOT’s response to COVID-19 here.
- The Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs (FDVA) has restricted visitor access to its state veterans’ homes until further notice, with the exception of essential visitors. In addition, admissions in our network of state veterans’ homes are temporarily suspended.
- Veterans who are concerned they may have symptoms of COVID-19, flu or the VISN 8 Clinical Contact Center toll free at (877) 741-3400 before coming to a VA facility. Clinicians are available to provide 24/7 virtual care and support, including nurse advice and triage.
- To contact a teleworking FDVA Veterans’ Claims Examiner, call (727) 319-7440 or email
- Find more information on FDVA’s response to COVID-19 here.
- The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) continues to be in close communication with the Governor’s Office, the Florida Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regarding the most recent COVID-19 status and guidance.
- Find more information on FWC’s response to COVID-19 here.
- As the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) continues to be committed to the health and well-being of all Floridians, we have compiled a list of resources with relevant information for homeowners, residents, developers, apartment owners, management companies, participating lenders, Realtors and SHIP administrators regarding COVID-19.
- Find more information on Florida Housing’s response to COVID-19 here.
- VISIT FLORIDA’s four welcome centers are closed until further notice. VISIT FLORIDA welcome center staff members have been trained to provide customer service support for the Department of Economic Opportunity and are assisting with the influx of inquiries and calls from impacted businesses and workers throughout the state.
- Find more information on VISIT FLORIDA’s response to COVID-19 here.
- As the lead agency for volunteerism and service, Volunteer Florida is working to support voluntary organizations across the state and nation by sharing resources, surveying needs and requesting that continuity of operations plans be created to avoid any service delivery disruption.
- Find more information on Volunteer Florida’s response to COVID-19 here.