SITUATION IN NUMBERS total (new) cases in last 24 hours 

(last updated 10:00 AM CET 6/15/2020)


Globally 7,823,289 cases (132,581)
431,541 deaths (3,911)
Western Pacific Region 198,995 cases (1,131)
7,215 deaths (15)
European Region 2,416,920 cases (18,141)
188,350 deaths (349)
South-East Asia Region 471,392 cases (15,953)
12,927 deaths (401)
Eastern Mediterranean Region 778,200 cases (19,649)
17,077 deaths (437)
Region of the Americas 3,781,538 cases (69,770)
201,848 deaths (2,596)
African Region 175,503 cases (7,937)
4,111 deaths (113)
  • As the pandemic accelerates in low- and middle-income countries, WHO is especially concerned about its impact on people who already struggle to access health services – often women, children and adolescents. WHO has developed guidance on maintaining essential services.
  • WHO has also carefully investigated the risks of women transmitting COVID-19 to their babies during breastfeeding. Based on the available evidence, WHO’s advice is that the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh any potential risks of transmission of COVID-19. A Q and A on breastfeeding and COVID-19 is also available.
  • WHO has recently released a photo story outlining ten actions you can take to protect and improve your sexual and reproductive health during the COVID-19 pandemic. At present, there is no evidence of sexual transmission of the virus responsible for COVID-19. The virus can be passed however, through direct contact with saliva, for instance, kissing.
  • There are also many things people can do to take care of their own health, like staying active, eating a nutritious diet and limiting their alcohol intake.
  • In today’s Subject in Focus, we look at the Solidarity Trials, which are being used to accelerate research on a COVID-19 Vaccine.