SITUATION IN NUMBERS total (new) cases in last 24 hours
(last updated 10:00 AM CET 6/19/2020)
Globally 8,385,440 cases (142,451)
450,686 deaths (5,151)
Western Pacific Region 202,489 cases (1,027)
7.257 deaths (8)
European Region 2,490,815 cases (19,033)
190,903 deaths (599)
South-East Asia Region 541,041 cases (19,459)
16,360 deaths (439)
Eastern Mediterranean Region 856,650 cases (19,153)
19,041 deaths (466)
Region of the Americas 4,092,526 cases (77,140)
212,517 deaths (3,526)
African Region 201,178 cases (6,639)
4,595 deaths (113)
- The hydroxychloroquine arm of the Solidarity Trial, which seeks to find an effective COVID19 treatment, is being stopped. The decision is based on evidence from the Solidarity Trial,
the UK’s Recovery trial and a Cochrane review of other evidence on hydroxychloroquine. Data shows that hydroxychloroquine does not result in the reduction of mortality of hospitalised COVID-19 patients, when compared with standard of care. - Dr Tedros announced the roll out of the WHO Academy, a major new initiative as part of WHO’s transformation. With the WHO Academy, WHO aims to build one of the world’s
largest and most innovative digital learning platforms to enhance the competencies of health professionals. So far, courses on the have received almost 3.5 million
enrolments on 12 topics in 31 languages. - Several countries affected by COVID-19 have seen increases in levels of violence occurring in the home, including violence against children, intimate partner violence and violence against older people. A new brief, addressing violence against children, women and older people during the COVID-19 pandemic, outlines key actions that the health sector can undertake to
prevent or mitigate interpersonal violence. - Today’s ‘Subject in Focus’ provides a summary of virtual meetings held on COVID-19 preparedness and response at points of entry from the WHO Regional Office for Africa.