SITUATION IN NUMBERS total (new) cases in last 24 hours
(last updated 10:00 AM CET 6/22/2020)
Globally 8,860,331 cases (152,323)
465,740 deaths (4,025)
Western Pacific Region 205,911 cases (1,051)
7,329 deaths (19)
European Region 2,543,778 cases (16,160)
193,366 deaths (280)
South-East Asia Region 600,191 cases (19,658)
17,734 deaths (521)
Eastern Mediterranean Region 914,518 cases (17,115)
20,531 deaths (456)
Region of the Americas 4,370,519 cases (90,665)
221,771 deaths (2,627)
African Region 224,673 cases (7,674)
4,996 deaths (122)
- With influenza season starting in the southern hemisphere, WHO has alerted countriesto maintain vigilance
for influenza and prepare for the upcoming influenza season during the COVID-19 pandemic. WHO
recommends that countries optimize the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) for both
influenza and COVID-19 sentinel surveillance. Countries are urged to (i) sustain influenza surveillance, (ii)
report surveillance data to WHO FluNet and FluID or through regional platforms, (iii) send representative
viruses to WHO Collaborating Centres of GISRS without delay, and (iv) maintain influenza vaccination programs
according to WHO guidance. - A team of public health experts has been deployed to Tajikistan through the Global Outbreak Alert and
Response Network (GOARN). The team will provide support to strengthen disease surveillance and laboratory
testing to complement ongoing work by the COVID-19 response team in Tajikistan. - WHO and collaborating agencies provided support to health authorities in Uzbekistan to assess their options
for COVID-19 testing and identify potential resourcesin-country to increase their laboratory capacity. - A nurse who is a refugee from Syria shared his experience as a COVID-19 responderin Turkey. His daily
activities as part of the contact tracing team are “actively preventing the spread of the disease within
communities, thereby protecting the health of hundreds of people”.