SITUATION IN NUMBERS total (new) cases in last 24 hours 

(last updated 10:00 AM CET 6/26/2020)


Globally 9,473,214 cases (177,012)
484,249 deaths (5,116)
Western Pacific Region 210,315 cases (1,100)
7,394 deaths (11)
European Region 2,619,753 cases (19,163)
195,535 deaths (563)
South-East Asia Region 686,192 cases (22,884)
19,651 deaths (495)
Eastern Mediterranean Region 987,534 cases (17,878)
22,464 deaths (461)
Region of the Americas 4,709,927 cases (105,793)
233,628 deaths (3,463)
African Region 258,752 cases (10,194)
5,564 deaths (123)
  • On 25 June, Health Minister Jens Spahn of Germany, and Solidarity and Health Minister Olivier Veran of France, visited WHO headquarters. During a press briefing they expressed their solidarity and additional support to both COVID-19 response and WHO’s core programmes.
  • Yesterday the Ebola virus disease outbreak in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo was declared over after nearly two years. The WHO Regional Office for Africa and
    partners are now building on the Ebola response to tackle COVID-19 in the country. Additionally, WHO is supporting other countries in Africa as the COVID-19 pandemic accelerates
    in the region.
  • In a press briefing yesterday, Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, spoke about COVID-19 in the region and how digital technology and artificial intelligence can
    empower people and play a leading role in optimizing efforts to control transmission of the disease.
  • Today’s ‘Subject in Focus’ highlights the WHO Health Security Learning Platform and how it may be used by national Rapid Response Teams.