SITUATION IN NUMBERS total (new) cases in last 24 hours 

(last updated 10:00 AM CET 6/3/2020)


Globally 6,287,771 cases (93,246)
379,941 deaths (3,621)
Western Pacific Region 185,358 cases (1,053)
7,057 deaths (13)
European Region 2,191,614 cases (15,681)
183,313 deaths (897)
South-East Asia Region 296,620 cases (12,775)
8,277 deaths (277)
Eastern Mediterranean Region 552,497 cases (16,349)
13,181 deaths (282)
Region of the Americas 2,949,455 cases (44,023)
165,311 deaths (2,063)
African Region 11 486 cases (3 365)
2 789 deaths (89
  • Basic psychosocial support skills are at the core of any mental health and psychosocialsupport intervention.
    To assist all those involved in the COVID-19 response, WHO has published guidance on basic psychosocial
  • At the Yemen High-level Pledging Conference, Dr Mike Ryan, Executive Director, WHO Health Emergencies
    Programme emphasized that COVID-19 was placing a major burden on the health system, already on the
    verge of collapse , and that despite the considerable efforts of WHO and partners in Yemen, ‘we need a
    massive scale-up of our COVID and non-COVID health operations to assist some of the most vulnerable
    populations in the world’.
  • On 29 May 2020, WHO and the International Labour Organization (ILO) hosted a webinar on returning to work
    in the context of COVID-19. For more information see the ‘Subject in Focus’ below.
  • A record number of countries have contributed data revealing disturbing rates of antimicrobial resistance.
    WHO is concerned that the trend will further be fueled by the inappropriate use of antibiotics during the
    COVID-19 pandemic.