Lee County Update

  • Applications for the Business Rehire Program are currently open and will remain open through this weekend and next week. The application window for the Individual Assistance Program will reopen Monday, July 27.
  • In general, the more people you interact with, the more closely you interact with them, and the longer that interaction, the higher your risk of getting and spreading COVID-19. Protect yourself and others by following these CDC guidelines: https://fal.cn/39hP1


Lee County Schools

  • Research shows that children who read each day gain an additional month or more of progress in a calendar year. By reading 20 minutes a day, students improve their literacy competency and score higher on reading assessments annually. Review Commissioner Corcoran’s Summer Reading List.


Lee County Libraries

  • Director of Lee County Public Safety, Lee Mayfield, gives an overview of hurricane season in Lee County. This brief discussion focuses on how to navigate hurricane season including planning early, where to find information, and what makes for a busy hurricane season in Lee County.