• Health Data:  https://fdoh.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/8d0de33f260d444c852a615dc7837c8
      • Global Confirmed Cases: 31,120,980 (961,544 deaths)
      • S. Confirmed Cases: 6,819,651 (199,552 deaths)
      • Florida Confirmed Cases: 685,439 (13,480 deaths, 42,543 hospitalizations, 5,120,391 tests, 13.39% positive rate)
      • Lee County Confirmed Cases: 20,025 (458 deaths, 1,478 hospitalizations, 141,213 tests, 14.18% positive rate) (the reduction in the death total was not explained on the State Department of Health’s dashboard)
      • Estero Confirmed Cases: 474 (death and hospitalization numbers are not provided by the Florida State Department of Health)