Estero continues to have lowest tax rate in Southwest Florida

property tax

Public Budget Hearings

Resolution 2024-18 – Adopting final millage rate

ad valoremCouncil approved this resolution adopting the ad valorem taxes for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 at a millage rate of 0.73 mills, which is a reduction from the prior year’s rate of 0.74.  Council has voted to reduce the tax rate every year except the first year following incorporation and in 2020 due to COVID.  Estero’s tax rate is the lowest in the region.

Resolution 2024-19 – Adopting final budget for 2024-2025

BudgetCouncil approved this resolution adopting the budget for FY 2024-2025 at a total of $91,404,264. This budget goes into effect on October 1.

The proposed budgeted expenditures are as follows:

General Fund                 $ 9,969,950

Special Revenue               $ 1,554,600

Capital Projects             $ 79,868,914

Driving Range Fund            $ 10,800

Total All Funds             $ 91,404,264

During budget discussions, Council agreed the Village would become a premier member of the Greater Estero Chamber.

Public Comment:  2 residents spoke about addressing the needs of residents living along Tanglewood Lane which are in need of a hydrant and municipal water.

Public comment on non-agenda items: A resident recommended the historic Alverez/Smith home should be restored and kept it at its current location on Highlands Avenue instead of incurring the cost of moving it.

First Reading

Ordinance 2024-11 – Via Coconut

Via Coconut

Via Coconut

This is a zoning amendment for a 20-acre property at the southwest corner of Corkscrew Road and Via Coconut Point. The project was previously approved by Council in October 2021 for a mixed-use project with 330 multifamily units, 29,600 square feet. of commercial use, and 10,000 square feet for a church or alternative commercial use.

The applicant is requesting revisions to the master concept plan, pattern book, and deviations, but the total number of residential units and commercial square footage will remain the same.

Council passed this first reading and scheduled a second reading for October 2, 2024.


Brooks/Three Oaks Parkway Sidewalk Update

Three Oaks Sidewalks

Public Works Director David Willems provided an update on the interlocal agreement with The Brooks Community Development District (CDD) for improvements to the Three Oaks Parkway sidewalks.

The Brooks CDD owns and maintains the sidewalks along Three Oaks Parkway. Due to the age of the sidewalks, maintenance has become more frequent and expensive so they are going to replace them with concrete sidewalks.

Attractive landscaped streets are part of Estero’s branding.  Where possible, the Village will provide improvements to this area by moving portions of the path away from the road.  The Brooks CDD will continue to maintain the sidewalks.

The cost of this interlocal agreement is $235,000.

No voting occurs during workshops.

Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website.

The next Council meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, October 2, 2024.