2-19-25 FAW

Front left to right: Floodplain Manager Kristin Schumacher, Mayor Jon McLain, Public Works Project Manager Robert Wiley, Community Development Director Mary Gibbs and Planning & Zoning Administrative Assistant Lisa Reitbauer.  Back: Councilmembers Lori Fayhee, Larry Fiesel, Vice Mayor Joanne Ribble, Councilmembers Rafael Lopez, George Zalucki and Jim Ward.

The meeting started with Mayor Jon McLain presenting a proclamation in coordination with Lee County and local area municipalities proclaiming Flood Awareness Week in the Village of Estero, March 3 – 9, 2025.

The Village experienced severe weather in the past several years resulting in flooding in both coastal and riverine areas causing damage and flood loses to homes and buildings in both high-risk and special flood hazard areas.

Public education and awareness of potential weather hazards and methods of protection are critical to the health, safety and welfare of residents. Thus, the Village encourages residents to increase their knowledge of how to protect themselves and their property from flooding during this Flood Awareness Week.

2-19-25 Financial

Front left to right: Mayor Jon McLain, Finance Director Kevin Greenville, Procurement Manager Steve Gillette, Finance Clerk Beth Shapiro and Accounting Supervisor Lindsey McNeal. Back: Councilmembers Lori Fayhee, Larry Fiesel, Vice Mayor Joanne Ribble, Councilmembers Rafael Lopez, George Zalucki and Jim Ward.

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Village of Estero for its annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023.

The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.

The Village has achieved this prestigious award each fiscal year since inception.

Public comment on non-agenda items: 1 eComment card was placed into the record.

Action Items

Resolution 2025-02 – Authorizing eminent domain to obtain easement

Council adopted this resolution which authorizes Estero eminent domain to obtain an easement to facilitate the Corkscrew Road sidewalk, landscaping and lighting project.  This resolution allows the Village to obtain the easement if final efforts to obtain the easement voluntarily do not succeed.

Williams Road and Atlantic Gulf Drive change order

2-19-25 Williams Rd

The Village and its consultants have been working for several years to obtain property easements to construct improvements to Williams Road and Atlantic Gulf Drive. In order to complete negotiations, the Village needs additional services to be performed by to Kisinger Campo & Associates (KCA) that were not contemplated in the original contract

Council approved the award of a contract change order to KCA to provide additional professional services to secure this right of way and provide additional permitting assistance for a not to exceed amount of $125,364.

Estero River sediment analysis change order

2-19-25 Sediment

Areas of potential spot dredging in the Estero River

The Estero River was flooded by storm surge from hurricanes Helene and Milton during the summer of 2024. Subsequently, additional complaints have been received about the need to dredge portions of the Estero River to remove sediments and obstructions that are impacting boating.

Council approved a change order to a contract with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. for additional services needed to respond to additional Florida Department of Environmental Protection permit questions and prepare an emergency dredging application.  The fiscal impact of this change order is $71,310. The total amount of contract is not-to-exceed $212,470.


Planning, Zoning & Design Board annual report

2-19-25 PZDB

Planning, Zoning & Design Board members front left to right: Kristin Jeannin, Chairman Antony Gargano. Back: Jim Wallace, Barry Jones, Al Paivandy, Jim Tatooles, Vice Chairman Mike Sheley and Dan Williams.

Assistant Community Development Director Christopher Baker presented the Planning, Zoning & Design Board’s annual report including an overview of the role of the Board and its 2024 activities.

The Board conducted 24 public hearings, 18 public information meetings and 4 workshops last year.  This included 16 development orders, 6 zoning cases, a comprehensive plan amendment and 1 ordinance change.

Update on developments

Community Development Director Mary Gibbs presented a status update on development projects in the Village, including those that have been recently completed or under construction, as well as pending and future projects.  She also demonstrated the difference in quality in the signage within Estero and signage outside of the Village.

Gibbs pointed out the Village code and review by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board results in high quality projects, retaining the Village’s character.

Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website.

The next Council meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 5, 2025.