Everblades Kelly Cup championship team Head Coach & General Manager Brad Ralph, Mayor Jon McLain, Assistant Coach Anthony Peters, VP of Business Development Mike Kelly and Vice-Mayor Joanne Ribble.
The meeting started with Mayor Jon McLain reading a proclamation congratulating the Florida Everblades for being the first team to win three consecutive Kelly Cup championships in a row.
Action Items
Estero on the River Phase 1 & 2 Construction Manager at Risk contract
Estero on the River
Council approved a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract with Manhattan Construction Company to construct the proposed Estero on the River Phase 1 improvements, and design, permit and construct the Phase 2 improvements.
The Phase 1 design is complete and improvements include an entry drive and parking lot off County Road, a restroom building, a bridge over the Estero River, and a path onto the south side of the Estero River.
The proposed cost for Phase 1 pre-construction services is $74,000. Manhattan Construction is expecting Phase 1 pre-construction services to take 54 workdays (74 calendar days).
The proposed Phase 2 improvements will include additional paths on the south side of the Estero River, a fence around the property south of the Estero River, and a path along the north side of Corkscrew Road.
Manhattan Construction Company will act as the Village’s representative and manage all aspects of this project.
Tyler Munis project management
On June 21, 2023, Council authorized staff to move forward with the implementation of Munis, a Tyler Technologies enterprise resource planning solution.
Munis is Tyler’s flagship product offering a comprehensive suite of applications centered around the entirety of a government’s operations. Applications for the Village include: Accounting, Accounts Payable, Assets Mobile, Budgeting, Capital Assets, Cash Management, Contract Management, Project Accounting, Grant Accounting, Accounts Receivable, Cashing, General Billing, and Content Manager.
To implement Munis successfully and expeditiously, staff requires an outside project manager. Council approved the engagement of Horizon Solutions Group, Inc., at a discounted rate of $175 per hour with a “Not to Exceed” amount of $14,000.
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023 by Jeff Tuscan CPA, Tuscan Company
In compliance with Florida Statutes 218.39, the Village’s financial statements have been independently audited by Tuscan & Company, PA, a firm of licensed certified public accountants.
The report provides details of operations for twelve months. The independent auditor has issued an unmodified (“clean”) opinion on the Village’s financial statements for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2023.
Council approved this report.
Resolution 2024-10 – Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement
The Emergency Management Act chapter 252, Florida Statutes provides local governments the ability to give or receive assistance in an emergency in the event the local government’s capabilities are exceeded. The assistance may range from financial, personnel and/or transfer of resources.
Council approved this resolution which authorizes the Village Manager to execute this agreement.
Resolution 2024-11 – Adopting procurement procedures and requirements
The Village has submitted and been awarded two Federal HUD Block planning grants which are administered by Lee County.
Federal Rules outline several procurement procedures and contract requirements which are needed in procurement activities using federal funds, which generally do not apply to Florida municipal activities.
Councial approved this resolution in partnership with the County in deploying grant funds in a manner required by law. Adopting these procedures assures the Village’s process is consistent with federal guidelines.
First Reading
Ordinance 2024-09 – Comprehensive Plan amendment Water Supply Facilities Work Plan
The State requires local governments to prepare and adopt a Water Supply Facilities Work Plan within 18 months after the applicable water management district updates its Regional Water Supply Plan.
The purpose of the work plan is to identify and plan for the water supply sources and facilities needed to serve existing and new development within Estero for the next 10 years. The plan also improves coordination between land use planning and water supply planning.
Council passed the first reading of this ordinance to be transmitted to State and other required review agencies.
Second Reading & Public Hearing
Proposed changes to Old Post Office
Zoning Ordinance 2024-07 – 8111 Broadway East (Old Post Office)
This is an amendment to the Commercial Planned Development zoning for a 1-acre site on 8111 Broadway East that was the former site of the U.S. Post Office. The property was rezoned by Council in 2020 for a variety of commercial uses, but the building has remained vacant. There is a new owner who proposes to repurpose the property. Some changes are proposed to the site plan, zoning uses, and Pattern Book, which necessitate the zoning amendment.
The Planning Zoning and Design Board reviewed the project at its May 14, 2024 meeting and voted to recommend approval with staff conditions and one additional condition that the colors of the building be modified to match the architectural rendering in the Pattern Book.
The applicant provided the following presentation.
Council passed this second reading for this ordinance including changes described ty Community Development Director Mary Gibbs.
Disaster & Recovery
Finance Director Keven Greenville has prepared a draft Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for Council to review. The ERP addresses the operational concepts and responsibilities to coordinate emergency planning, response, relief, and recovery from emergencies.
Upon receiving feedback from Council, staff will finalize this document and present the final plan for adoption at the Council meeting on July 3, 2024.
Permits in special flood hazard area
Village Manager Steve Sarkozy described how FEMA made a preliminary determination that Estero is not managing the floodplain to the minimum standards of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), thus risking a “retrograde” under the Community Rating System (CRS) program.
The CRS grading system is on a 1 – 10 scale where a 1 is the best possible rating. The Village is at a “6” which results in a 20% reduction in flood insurance premiums. Should this retrograde occur, the Village would go to a “10” rating for one year, which keeps the Village in the NFIP program without any insurance premium discount.
Sarkozy went on to explain why the Village believes it has properly administered the NFIP and should not be retrograded. He then presented essentially the same presentation made by staff to the Region 4, FEMA Director on Tuesday, May 28. He pointed out that the Village has spent $41 million to purchase property for preservation and storm water management which had previously been approved for development.
Sarkozy’s full presentation is available on the Village website under the June 19, 2024 Council workshop.
No voting occurs during workshops.
Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website.
The next Council meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, July 3, 2024.