
Village Councilmembers presented former Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott with a proclamation recognizing his legacy of service in law enforcement in Lee County and expressing appreciation for his dedication and commitment to the citizens of Estero.  Shown left to right: Jon McLain, Vice-Mayor Bill Ribble, Mike Scott, Howard Levitan, Mayor Jim Boesch, Jim Wilson, Katy Errington and Nick Batos.

Councilmembers also presented a proclamation to local Purple Heart veterans proclaiming the Village of Estero as a Purple Heart Village and encouraging the citizens of Estero to show their appreciation for the sacrifices that the Purple Heart recipients have made in defending our freedom, to acknowledge their courage and to show them the honor and support they have earned.

Consent Agenda

Included on the Consent Agenda was Resolution No. 2018-19 establishing meeting dates and times for the Village Council in 2019 and CN 2018-04 ranking of consultants and contract negotiation for the turn lane design and permitting services for Williams Road at the Estero High School.

Action Items

RFQ 2018-03 – Ranking of consultants for the branding and roadway monument signs program

Council approved the ranking of consultants and authorized staff to negotiate a contract with the Number 1 ranked firm, Frazer Enterprises Inc. DBA Vitalink to provide professional consulting services to develop a branding and roadway monument signs program.

Vitalink plans to develop a brand that demonstrates Estero’s strengths.  They will seek public input by conducting on-line surveys and working with focus groups.  The cost will be determined by the results of the contract negotiations.  The FY 2018-19 budget includes $131,000 for this project.  The final contract and cost will be brought back before Council for approval.

First reading of ordinances

Ordinance No. 2018-26 – 35 – Ordinances repealing inapplicable Lee County-only regulations

Council approved the first reading of Ordinances 2018-26 – 35 repealing inapplicable Lee County-only regulations as they have no application in Estero.  (Ordinances)

Second reading of ordinance

Ordinance No. 2018-25

Council approved this ordinance providing retail gas pump security measures and establishing security measure requirements for owners and operators of retail gas pumps. This protective measure requires a new lock be placed on gas pumps to prevent the use of credit card skimmers.  The Village will personally meet with the owners of Estero’s gas stations to make sure they are aware of this new ordinance which becomes effective on January 1, 2019.   (Ordinance)

Village Manager’s Report

Village Manager Steve Sarkozy informed Council that the River Oaks Preserve property is included in the lands Conservation 20/20 will be considering for purchase at an upcoming meeting.  The Preserve is about 10 acres located at the eastern end of E. Broadway.  Council came to a consensus agreeing that the Village Manager should submit a letter supporting this purchase and agreeing to maintain the property immediately adjacent to the floodplain and waterway on this land.

Workshop Items

Estero Parkway Roadway and Sidewalks

A representative of Agnoli, Barber and Bainbridge gave an update on the roadway and sidewalk plans for Estero Parkway.

The consultant is recommending two 11-foot travel lanes, 11-foot turn lanes, 7-foot buffered bike lanes and adding 1 foot of asphalt to the roadway.  They predicted construction could start at the end of April for the first of May.

The consultant will come back in a month with an updated landscape and curbing plan. (Presentation)

Estero River Maintenance

Public Works Director David Willems stated that development has increased the sediment in the river which affects both stormwater and navigation of the river.

Lee County has removed some debris but the river has not been cleared of sediment in recent history.  Since the river runs through to the Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve, he recommends the Village consider selective sediment and debris removal following a study to determine existing conditions.  This would provide a baseline for the river’s geometry which could be used to improve the stormwater model. This work would be coordinated with the Department of Environmental Protection and other permitting agencies. (Presentation)

Additional details will be available in the minutes of this meeting.  Residents may also view the archived meeting by going to the Village website

The next Council meeting will be conducted at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, November 28, 2018.