Ghosts are seen and heard from the Koreshan’s past.
Actors will be revealing the secrets of the Koreshan Unity. Your narrator carries a lantern as you are guided along a shell path lighted with luminaries. Have no fear; your narrator is not a ghost.
Hear the words of Dr. Cyrus Teed that convinced people to give up their wealth and live in a Utopian world.
Why is Gustave Damkohler about to give up his land to Dr. Teed? Watch George Gray’s reaction to the strict unity rules dictated by Eleanor Castle. Witness the stern leadership of the co-leader of the Unity, Victoria Gratia as Sister Emma and Mary question Master Koresh’s plan.
What happens to Master Teed is explained by the sisters of the Planetary Court. Carl Luettich is kidded regarding his sinking of “Ada,” the Koreshan’s fishing boat. Allen Andrews, the president talks to Vesta Newcomb.
The tour stops at the bakery for a cookie. Finally, the generator is fired up and produces light.
Reserve your $25 tickets by calling (239) 992-0311. Dates are January 27, 28, and February 3 and 4. Show times are 6:45 p.m., 7: 00 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 7:45 p.m., and 8:00 p.m.
Master Koresh is played by David Woodsmith and Victoria Gratia is played by Shawn Woodsmith.
The Koreshan State Historic Site is located at 3800 Corkscrew Road in Estero.