Public Information Meetings

High 5 building elevation review

2-11-25 High5

Michael Comparato, Vieste LLC, presented revised architectural elevations for the south and west sides of the High 5 building, which are considered “the back door” of the facility.

Comparato described vertical elements which had been added to the back of the building, along with landscape and hardscape features to buffer the area.

The High 5 facility will consist of two floors of indoor/outdoor entertainment space.  It will be built on the Village-owned Entertainment District property located on the north side of Williams Road, east of Via Coconut Point and the railroad right of way.

The Board indicated the design needs improvement.

No voting occurs during public information meetings.

Shadow Wood Country Club lifestyle center

2-11-25 ShadowWood

Representatives for Shadow Wood Country Club  at The Brooks plan to construct a 38,000 square foot, one-story lifestyle center next to their clubhouse.

The center will include 6 indoor pickleball courts, restaurant, tennis and pickleball pro shop, locker rooms, and resort-style pool.  The building architecture and paint color will be the same as the Shadow Wood clubhouse and the landscape will be enhanced.

Shadow Wood Country Club is located off of Coconut Road.

No voting occurs during workshops.

Public Hearings

Estero 4.2

2-11-25 Estero4.2

The applicant was seeking approval to construct a 4,260-square foot medical office building and a 10,000-square foot day care center with a 5,000 square foot playground area on a  4.2-acre triangular-shaped site on US41 south of the entrance to Breckenridge.

Both the medical building and day care center buildings will be one story tall with tower features and painted in earth tones with tile roofs. There is an 8-foot-tall wall and landscaping between these buildings and the Breckenridge community.

The day care center will accommodate a maximum of 167 students.  Each parent will need to park and take their child into the center to check in. The hours of operation will be 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

The Board voted to approve this application with stipulations.

Walmart expansion

2-11-25 Walmart

The applicant was requesting to construct a 3,440 square foot addition to the existing Walmart building to accommodate short-term storage of products for on-line pickup orders.

The proposed addition is located at the northeast corner of the building. The proposed architecture blends with the existing architecture of Walmart, including roof type and color, building colors, and architectural features.  There will be improvements to the parking lot to include at total of 39 parking stalls, new lighting and landscape.

Walmart is located at the northeast corner of Estero Parkway and S. Tamiami Trail.

Public comment: 1 resident spoke of traffic concerns.

The Board voted to approve this development order with a condition pertaining to delivery truck traffic.

Home2 Suites

2-11-25 Home2 Suites

The applicant was requesting an amendment to the Coconut Point Mixed-Use Planned Development to allow a four-story, 111-room hotel in the Coconut Point mall parking lot.  They also plan to have a pool on the north side of the building.

They were proposing paint colors of muted green, beige, and other accent colors and materials consistent with the color palettes of adjacent buildings within Coconut Point Mall.

The applicant has offered to landscape a portion of the Via Coconut median.

The site is located west of Via Coconut Point and Shadow Wood at The Brooks, in the parking lot north of The Residences at Coconut Point.

Public comment: 1 resident spoke in favor of the hotel; 2 residents spoke of their concerns regarding traffic and noise.

The Board voted to recommend Council approve this application as documented in the staff report.

Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website

The next Planning Zoning & Design Board meeting will start at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 11, 2025.