Village of Estero

Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, addressing a resolution to reappoint 2 Planning, Zoning & Design Board members for one year.

They will then authorize the Village Manager or designated staff to negotiate a final agreement with the 3 top ranked firms to serve as construction manager at risk for the Estero Sports Park.  The final agreement will later come back to Council for approval.

There will be a second reading and public hearing for a zoning ordinance pertaining to Coconut Trace located on US 41, west of Lyden Drive and east of Marsh Landing.

The meeting will conclude with a workshop on property acquisition.

The full agenda is available here.

Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, near the entrance to the Estero Park.

Residents may view the meeting here and provide public comment by utilizing the eComment Card on the Village website.  Comments need to be received by noon one day before the actual meeting;  they will be distributed to the Council but will not be read at the meeting.