(New Horizons Choir. See all the photos of Light up Estero in a slide show at the end of this article.)
A great turnout by the Estero community on a beautiful day to gather and celebrate the holiday season and continuing recovery from Hurricane Ian at the Light up Estero event held at the Ocean Church.
There were two different bounce houses to the delight of the children, and each family received vouchers for the various food trucks on site as well as a Christmas ornament. Village of Estero shopping bags were distributed with a suggested list of items to pick up and deliver to the local food pantries.
The program included the Pledge of Allegiance with the Estero High School Color Guard, Mayor and Rotarian Katy Errington and Estero spiritual leaders thanking the many organizations and volunteers that helped with Hurricane Ian recovery, carols sung by the New Horizons of Southwest Florida Choir and the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus via an Estero Fire Rescue fire truck. The children each got to go on stage to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus.
The Light up Estero annual event, presented by the Rotary Club of Estero, raised $20,000 with net proceeds going for Hurricane Ian recovery and shared with the Rotary Club of Estero Foundation and the Estero Forever Foundation.