(Look for photo slideshow at the end of this article)
It was a great weather day for the Rotary Club of Estero’s 6th Annual Light up Estero at the Estero Community Park on December 7, 2019.
Upon arrival, guests were presented a 2019 Christmas ornament by the RotaKids from Three Oaks Elementary School.
Children’s activities on the lawn included Christmas wreath toss, elf games and a bounce house.
There was a wreath raffle with the proceeds going toward scholarships for Estero High School students.
Rich Hart, President of the Rotary Club of Estero, introduced Mayor Bill Ribble who welcomed the crowd and introduced the Village Councilmembers and their spouses including: Vice-Mayor Katy Errington, Jim Boesch and Howard Levitan. Councilmembers Nick Batos, Jon McLain and Jim Wilson were unavailable.
Bonnie Olson, Interfaith Charities of South Lee, served as emcee introducing of the Three Oaks Middle School Jazz Band, the New Horizons of Southwest Florida Choir, and Gary Israel who led the crowd in a group sing-a-long prior to Santa and Mrs. Claus arriving via an Estero Fire Rescue truck with sirens blaring.
Santa and Mrs. Claus lit the Christmas tree to cheers from the crowd and then gave all the children an opportunity to have their picture taken with them.
This special event is presented each year by the Rotary Club of Estero with the assistance and sponsorship of many local businesses, organizations and volunteers.