Engage Estero is conducting a free public forum on the impact of urbanization and land development and how it will affect Estero’s future. The platform features expert panelists on land development and smart growth issues facing greater Estero.

FGCU President Dr. Aysegul Timur will open the program. The panelists include: land use planning water/environment consultant Daniel DeLisi, senior commercial real estate broker Ross McIntosh, Estero’s Village Manager Steve Sarkozy and key principle of Jim Wallace, LLC & Associates Jim Wallace.

The panel will share their insights into urbanization, creative and adaptive re-use, mixed-use development, changes in the retail landscape, and the impact on water quality in developing areas.

This public forum will be held in FGCU’s Cohen Ballroom at 6 p.m., Wednesday, October 25.  Seating is limited, and reservations are required. You can reserve your spot on the Engage Estero website at https://www.esterotoday.com/event/futureforum.