

Pictured left to right: Councilmembers Larry Fiesel, Jim Boesch, Mayor Katy Errington (holding the award), Vice-Mayor Jon McLain and Councilmember Jim Wilson. Councilmembers Joann Ribble and Jim Ward were present via Zoom.  Howard Levitan accepted the award via Zoom from his new home in Maine.

Council started their meeting recognizing former Councilmember and Planning, Zoning & Design Board Co-Chair Howard Levitan who has been named Outstanding Elected Official by the State of Florida Planning and Zoning Association.

Mayor Errington, all Councilmembers, Village Manager Steve Sarkozy, Community Development Director Mary Gibbs and Land Use Attorney Nancy Stroud praised Levitan for his many efforts with the incorporation of Estero and especially his role in developing the Village’s Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. These are two significant achievements, especially for a new city, and Levitan was recognized by the state for his leadership role on those projects.

Action Items

Resolution 2022-21 – Proposed millage rate for FY 2022-2023

Council adopted this resolution setting the proposed millage rate for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 at 0.7700 mills ($0.7700 per $1,000 of assessed property value) which is equal to the prior year rate. This proposed millage rate is greater than the rolled-back rate of 0.7002 mills by 9.97%. Two public hearings will be held to vote on this rate, with the first at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 8 and the second at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 21.


Resolution 2022-19 – Adopting Capital Improvement Program FY 2022-2023

cipCouncil adopted this resolution. The Capital Improvement Program sets the funding for the Village Capital Improvement projects for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 at $33,452,430 and provides priorities for improvements to the roadways, intersections, bike-pedestrian, landscaping, parks and recreation and utility improvements for the next five years.

Ordinance 2022-05 – Redistricting of Village boundaries

redistricting map

Redistricting of Council districts is required every 10 years in conjunction with the latest US Census to assure that all 7 Council districts are roughly equal in permanent population.  However, redistricting can take place before 10 years depending on how the population changes and grows.

The Village contracted Kurt Spitzer and Associates Governmental Consultants of Tallahassee to provide technical support to the redistricting effort.  The new district boundary map is shown above.

Council passed the second reading of this ordinance. While these changes are effective immediately, they will not be implemented until the next Village general election.

Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website here.

The next Council meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, September 8, 2022.