The Village of Estero will conduct a virtual public workshop at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, utilizing the Zoom Meetings app. The discussion will include the location of two new school facilities in Estero and the Capital Improvement Program.
By using the Zoom Meetings app, Councilmembers and Village staff will be able to attend the public meeting remotely, along with broadcasting live via the Village of Estero website link:
The full agenda is available here: No voting occurs during workshops.
The following options are available for residents to view and/or participate in the workshop:
- View the workshop online, but not participate: You may watch the meeting via the Village of Estero website link:
- View the workshop online as indicated above and provide public comment during the meeting by utilizing the eComment Card feature on the Village website: Please fill out all required information. Comments received during the agenda item being discussed will be read into the record.
- The Council Chambers will be available for public comment, limited to a maximum of 10 people in the room at a time, including Staff, in accordance to social distancing orders. Participants are recommended to wear their own-supplied mask. Social distancing requirements will be strictly enforced.
For additional information or for special assistance prior to the workshop, please contact Kathy Hall, Village Clerk, or 239-221-5035.