Planning, Zoning and Design Board

The new Planning, Zoning & Design Board members are (front left to right): Kristin Jeannin, James Tatooles and Marlene Naratil. (Back, left to right) Anthony Gargano, Howard Levitan, Leonard “Scotty” Wood III and Mike Sheeley. Not pictured: Barry Jones and Jim Wallace

Community Development Director Mary Gibbs and Village Land Use Attorney Nancy Stroud gave a presentation to the new Planning, Zoning & Design Board regarding the land use regulation processes.

Topics covered Florida public official laws pertaining to government in the sunshine, financial disclosure and conflict of interest disclosure.

The role of this new board was described to function as a “local planning agency” responsible for the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code.  The board will review and make recommendations on items such as rezonings, planned development rezonings and amendments, and comprehensive plan amendments.

The board will review and make decisions regarding applications such as development orders, special exceptions, variances, monument signs, commercial building repainting and building alterations.  (Power Point Presentation)

Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website

The next PZDB meeting is scheduled for May 11, 2021.