Popular local historian Jacob Winge will present his history program on Prehistoric Florida to the Estero Historical Society from 9:30 – 11 a.m., Saturday, January 13, at the clubhouse at Country Creek Country Club, 21125 Country Club Drive.

Winge, a local historian and fifth generation Floridian who has been giving history presentations since he was in his teens, will describe how about 12,000 years ago, when Florida was much larger and drier than now, wandering hunter-gatherers arrived. They lived a simple life, following the great herds of mammoths and other megafauna and gathering the wild grains, nuts, and berries they found in their seasonal wanderings.

You may register for this presentation in advance on the Estero Historical Society website.  EHS members pay $10 each and non-members pay $15 each.  On-line registration is required.  This fee covers the continental breakfast buffet which is served prior to the start of the presentation.