Recognition Policy
Council came to a consensus to have staff come up with alternatives for recognizing not only Estero Council of Community Leaders Chairman Emeritus Don Eslick but others in the future. Staff will come back in the March – April timeframe with recommendations.
Consent agenda
Council approved the Consent Agenda with included Williams Road at Estero High School Turn Lane Improvements.
Council approved the hiring of Hole Morris, Inc., to provide professional engineering services for the design and permitting services work required for the Williams Road at Estero High School turn lane improvements.
This contract will cost $61,165 from the $381,500 FY 2018/2019 budget for these improvements. (Summary Sheet)
Selection of Canvassing Board alternate member for the March 5, 2019 election
Council selected Assistant to the Village Manager Kyle Coleman to serve on the Canvassing Board for the March 5 Estero election. Coleman will serve in the Village Clerk’s absence.
The other members of the board are the Mayor, the Village Attorney and the Lee County Supervisor of Elections who will canvass the election results. (Summary Sheet)
Traffic Signal Design– Corkscrew Road/Puente Lane
Lee County has determined that a traffic signal is warranted at this site.
The Village is proposing to hire a consultant to design, permit and prepare cost estimates for the traffic signal. Once this is completed, the developers of Estero Town Commons, Plaza Del Sol and Estero Crossing have agreed to reimburse the Village for the expenses incurred.
The Village will pay Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., up to $164,515 for these services. The design is expected to be completed within 4 – 5 months, with construction to be completed within a year. (Summary Sheet)
Public Comment: 4 residents spoke in favor of the traffic light.
Planning & Zoning Board 2018 annual report
Scotty Wood, Chairman, Planning & Zoning Board, presented Council with the Board’s annual report. He also stated Estero faces the following challenges: 1) demographics (due to the age of Estero’s population the demand is high for multifamily housing), 2) Infrastructure, and 3) the impact of developments adjacent to Estero (in excess of 6,000 homes being developed on Corkscrew Road outside of Estero’s boundaries). (Report)
Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan
A representative of Jacobs Engineering gave a presentation on the work underway regarding this plan, which is expected to be an 8 month project. They will be looking at where sidewalks, crosswalks and bike/shared use paths are needed or are in need of improvement. He pointed out they are halfway through the project with the first public workshop to occur on Monday, February 11, from 5 – 7:00 pm at the Estero Community Park Recreation Center, Rooms A & B. (Presentation)
No voting occurs during workshops.
Additional details will be available in the minutes of this meeting. Residents may also view the archived meeting by going to the Village website
The next Council meeting will be conducted at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, February 20, 2019.