Council will start their meeting at 5:30 p.m. with an introduction to the Honorable State Representative Adam Botana.
The first action item will be to review the development order for the proposed 5th Third Bank to be located in the eastern parking lot of Miromar Outlets, adjacent to Ben Hill Griffin Parkway and north of the Wells Fargo Bank.
Council will then be asked to approve authorization to acquire and install school bus benches at four locations on Broadway Avenue West.
Two contracts pertaining to River Ranch Road improvements and one contract for Williams Road bike-ped improvements will be addressed, followed by a request to authorize staff to negotiate contracts with two lobbying firms to represent the Village’s interests.
Council will then conduct public hearings for resolutions adopting the tentative ad valorem taxes and the tentative budget for FY 2021-2022.
The full agenda is available here.
Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, near the entrance to the Estero Community Park.
Residents may view the meeting here and provide public comment by utilizing the eComment Card on the Village website. Comments must be received by noon one day before the actual meeting and they will be distributed to the Council but will not be read at the meeting.