The Board will start their meeting at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, conducting public hearings for the redesign of the entry and interior remodel of the South County Regional Library and Picolo Buco’s request for a change of paint color for the exterior of their building in Marketplace at Coconut Point.

Public Information Meetings will be held for the Estero Community Park maintenance building relocation and Discount Tire located at 10411 Corkscrew Road.

The full agenda is available here.

Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, near the entrance to the Estero Community Park.

Residents may also view the meeting here and provide public comment by utilizing the eComment Card on the Village website here. Comments need to be received by noon one day before the actual meeting and they will be distributed to the Board but will not be read at the meeting.