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Village Manager’s Office

Steve Sarkozy
Steve SarkozyVillage Manager
239.494.5343 Fax

Email: sarkozy@estero-fl.gov

Steven R. Sarkozy serves as the Village Manager in Estero, Florida.

Sarkozy came to the Village in November 2015 with 45 years of local government experience, the latest as City Manager for the City of Carlsbad, California. He also served as City Manager to City of Bellevue, Washington; City of Roseville, Minnesota; and City of Geneva, New York.

As Village Manager, Sarkozy serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Village, responsible to the Village Council. He will appoint and remove all Village employees, direct and supervise the administration of all departments of the Village, attend all meetings of the Village Council, ensure that all laws, Charter provisions, ordinances, resolutions and other acts of the Council are faithfully executed, prepare the annual operating and capital budget, and keep the Council fully advised as to the financial condition and future needs of the Village, and make such recommendations to the Council concerning the affairs of the Village as he deems appropriate.

His affiliations include International City and County Management Association (full member), and the American Society for Public Administration.

Sarkozy has been a long-time member of Rotary International and is a Paul Harris Fellow.

Carol Sacco, CMC
Carol Sacco, CMCVillage Clerk
239.221.5035 Main Number
239.319.2840 Direct Number
239.494.5343 Fax


Finance Department

Kevin Greenville, CPA
Kevin Greenville, CPAFinance Director
239.986.9975 (mobile)


Kevin Greenville came to the Village having previously served as the chief financial officer for multiple governments in Maryland, and in several finance positions for a $1billion revenue health insurance company in the federal employee benefits health insurance program.

Greenville is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and has a Master’s of Science, Accountancy from the University of Maryland, and a Bachelor’s of Science in Financial Economics from the University of Maryland Baltimore County. He sits on the Board of Directors for the Government Finance Officers Association Small Government Forum and the Government Finance Officers Association Standing Committee on Governmental Budgeting and Fiscal Policy.

The Finance Department is custodian of all Village funds.  As Finance Director, Kevin is responsible for the fiscal management of the Village, procurement, and human resources. He prepares the annual budget, oversees day to-day finance functions, prepares periodic and annual financial statements, develops and administers personnel policies and risk management services, maintains the highest ethical standards, and ensures the highest level of financial accountability to Village Council, Village management, and citizens.

Steve Gillette
Steve GilletteProcurement Manager
Lindsey McNeal
Lindsey McNealAccounting Supervisor
Beth Shapiro
Beth ShapiroFinance Clerk

Steve Gillette serves as our Procurement Manager for the Village.  Steve previously served as the Purchasing Manager for the City of Fort Wayne, IN.  He also has served in various purchasing roles in private industry for major Corporations.  The Procurement function seeks to provide for the fair and equitable treatment of all persons involved in public procurement activities of the Village, to maximize the purchasing value of public funds in procurement, and to provide safeguards for maintaining a procurement system of quality and integrity.

Steve has a Business Management degree from Indiana University and earned an MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University. Steve has completed the Karrass Negotiating Seminar and the Business/Engineering skills workshop at Purdue University.  He resides with his Wife Susan in Cape Coral, and they have one Son that lives in New York City and another that lives in Indianapolis.  He enjoys photography, biking, grilling out and watching college sports with friends.


Carol Sacco, CMC
Carol Sacco, CMCVillage Clerk
239.221.5035 Main Number
239.319.2840 Direct Number
239.494.5343 Fax


Carol Sacco/CMC serves as Village Clerk/Executive Assistant to the Village Manager in Estero, Florida. She received her Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) through Florida Association of City Clerks.

Carol came to the Village in September 2016 prior to joining the staff of the Village of Estero, Ms. Sacco served as the Executive Assistant to AtlantiCare SVP/Executive Director from Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey.

She is actively involved in organizing Village of Estero Events, Rotary, and Greater Estero Chamber of Commerce Steering Committee.

Carol resides with her husband Bruce in Cape Coral, Florida. They have one son that lives on east coast of Florida and their second son, wife and one grandchild live in New Jersey.

Tammy Duran
Tammy DuranDeputy Village Clerk


Carla Nebbia
Carla NebbiaAdministrative Assistant


Carla Nebbia serves as Administrative Assistant to the Administration at the Village of Estero. Carla came to the Village in March 2021. Prior to joining the staff, Carla worked at Somerville Elementary School in Ridgewood, NJ as the administrative assistant to the principal. She resides in Estero with her family.

Community Development

Mary Gibbs, AICP
Mary Gibbs, AICPDirector of Community Development
239.319.2235 Fax


Mary Gibbs is the Community Development Director for the Village. She has been director since June 8, 2015, and previously was Director of Lee County Community Development for 23 years.  

Mary received her Master’s degree in Business Administration from Florida Gulf Coast University, and a Master’s degree in Geography from the University of South Florida in Tampa.

She is a nationally certified planner and has worked in local governments in Florida since 1977.  In 2017, she was inducted into the Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners, for significant  planning achievements. She is also a member of the Florida Planning and Zoning Association and received the distinguished George W. Simons, Jr. Memorial  state award for outstanding long-term contributions in the profession of planning and zoning.  

As Community Development Director, Mary manages the Planning, Zoning, Building Permitting, Site Plan review, Code Enforcement, and Inspections functions for the Village. This includes development of the Village’s first Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code to help guide the future growth and vision of Estero. She is also the staff liaison to the Planning and Zoning Board, and the Design Review Board.

Christopher Baker
Christopher BakerAssistant Director of Community Development
239.319.2235 Fax


Christopher Baker, AICP, MBA recently joined the Village of Estero as Assistant Community Development Director. Christopher is a native of Fairhope, Alabama located on the beautiful Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay.

He attended Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama and earned a BS degree and subsequently attended the University of Texas at Arlington and earned his Master of City and Regional Planning Degree. Christopher worked as a planner in the Ft. Worth area until returning home in 1999 to become the Director of Planning and Building for Fairhope. During his tenure in Fairhope the City reinvented itself and was nationally and internationally recognized for its beauty and quality of life. He worked 10 years in the private sector in the Engineering filed helping cities throughout the south with infrastructure, community development, grants, and public engagement. In 2015 he became the Director of Development Services for the City of Goodyear, Arizona and notably reinvented a new customer service philosophy, initiated new service and performance standards, as well as the vision, design, and construction of the heart of Goodyear …. Goodyear Civic Square (GSQ). GSQ is a multi-use pedestrian scale P3 project that is home to the new 125,000 sq. foot City Hall, and Class A office space, restaurants, shopping, homes, and parks.

Christopher is passionate about British sports cars and Auburn Football. He is most proud of his 2 children, a freshman at Arizona State University, a 9th grader, and is also owned by a 7 year old Australian Shephard named Beauregard.

Building Offical/Permit

Matt Ingersoll
Matt IngersollBuilding Official
Dajaa Peete-Conley
Dajaa Peete-ConleyPermit Technician
Crystal Hamer
Crystal HamerPermit Technician
Michael Gibbons
Michael GibbonsAssistant Building Official
Denisse Thomas
Denisse ThomasPermit Technician
Heather Fisk
Heather FiskPermit Supervisor
James Gardner
James GardnerPermit Technician
Latrevia Smith
Latrevia SmithPermit Technician


Alfred Crudo
Alfred CrudoPlan Reviewer/Inspector
Vito Congine Jr.
Vito Congine Jr.Building Inspector
Steve Williams
Steve WilliamsBuilding Inspector
 Dale Hartman
Dale HartmanBuilding Inspector

Zoning/Code Compliance/GIS

Matt Noble
Matt NoblePrincipal Planner
Eliot Rodriguez
Eliot RodriguezGIS Specialist
Kristin Schumacher
Kristin SchumacherFloodplain Manager
Maryann Devanas
Maryann DevanasPlanner
Aymee Chavez
Aymee ChavezAssociate Planner
Stanley Knight
Stanley KnightCode Compliance Officer
Lisa Reitbauer
Lisa ReitbauerAdministrative Asst, Planning & Zoning

Public Works

David Willems
David WillemsPublic Works Director

David Willems has served as the Public Works Director for the Village of Estero, Florida, since January 2018.  He came to Estero with over 21-years of local engineering experience and is a recognized expert in stormwater management.   

As Public Works Director, David is in charge of the Village’s construction and maintenance programs, including roadway, stormwater, landscaping, sidewalks and bike paths.  This includes setting budgets and working with the Village Council, Village Manager, and the public to establish project priorities. 

He received both his Bachelors of Science and Masters of Engineering in Environmental Engineering from the University of Florida. 

Willems is a longtime resident of Lee County and Estero, graduating from Estero High School and currently living with his family in Estero.

Frank Cannella
Frank CannellaPublic Works Technician
Robert Wiley
Robert WileyPublic Works Project Manager

Communications/Audio Specialist

Marilyn Edwards
Marilyn EdwardsCommunications Specialist
239.671.2641 (mobile)


Marilyn Edwards serves as the Communications Specialist for the Village of Estero.

Edwards works with the village’s webmaster, providing the content and photographs for the Village website.  She attends all Council, Planning & Zoning and Design Review Board meetings and workshops in order to write short “news” articles about each event.  These articles are posted on the website and emailed to all website subscribers in an effort to keep residents informed about all village activities.

She has been a member of the Estero Council of Community Leaders (ECCL) for 10 years and served as that organization’s Communications Director from 2013-15.  In that capacity, she wrote all of the content and provided photographs for the Estero Today website, as well as articles for the Estero Development Reports, Alerts and news releases.

Edwards worked in the Media Relations Office at NASA’s Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, OH, for 32 years. She served the last 10 years as Chief of the office, helping determine Center policy regarding public affairs and community relations.

In that position, she managed the editor of the Center’s internal newspaper and a staff responsible for writing press releases, conducting press conferences and coordinating interviews with local, national and international media.  She worked in the news rooms at Cape Kennedy and Houston for several space flight missions, and planned and coordinated astronaut and congressional visits to Cleveland, including Sally Ride, Judy Resnick and Chuck Yeager. She also coordinated national dedication ceremonies/media events in Culebra, Puerto Rico, and Boone, North Carolina, and represented the NASA Headquarters Public Affairs Office in Dresden, Germany.

She and her husband, Bill Callahan, have been full-time residents in Estero since 2005.

Antonio Correia
Antonio CorreiaAudio/Visual
Champion Data Systems
Champion Data Systems
844-231-7671 x1