Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m. by appointing the Village’s voting delegate for the 2019 Florida League of Cities annual conference and business meeting.

In addition, they will review a letter requesting Lee County disaster response services in the case of a declared emergency, authorization of Estero Parkway construction engineering inspection services, award of a contract with Superior Landscaping & Lawn Service, Inc. for US 41 landscape improvements and the ranking of firms to perform US 41 landscape improvements construction engineering and inspection services.

A workshop will follow the meeting to address the Village’s special assessment policies and methodology pertaining to potential expansion of municipal infrastructure into underserved areas.

The full agenda is available here:

Residents are invited to attend the meeting or they may watch it online at:

Council meetings are held at the Village Hall at 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, adjacent to the entrance to the Estero Community Park.