Levitan Award

Community Development Director Mary Gibbs “presents” Howard Levitan (on Zoom) with the Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association’s Outstanding Elected Official Award

The meeting started with Community Development Director Mary Gibbs recognizing former Councilmember and Planning, Zoning & Design Board Co-Chair Howard Levitan for receiving the Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association’s Outstanding Elected Official Award.  Gibbs stated that, “This is a very prestigious award given out annually for outstanding leadership and commitment.  It’s unheard of to receive two awards in one year and is certainly a testament to Howard’s commitment, vision and passion.”  Levitan, who served two terms on the Village Council, was honored for his many efforts with the incorporation of Estero and especially his role in developing the Village’s Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code.

Public Comment on non-agenda items: A member of the Meadowbrook Board of Directors, thanked Councilmembers Joanne Ribble and Jim Ward and Village Clerk/Executive Assistant Carol Sacco for their continued assistance following Hurricane Ian.

Chamber of Commerce

Council then addressed financial support for the Greater Estero Chamber of Commerce’s strategic plans for future growth and impact.  The Village has contributed $25,000 annually to the Chamber starting in fiscal year 2018-19 and provided $12,500 in March 2022.

Sharon Van Rite, Chair, Board of Directors, and Pamela Mueller, president and CEO of the chamber, gave this presentation.

Council voted to provide the additional $12,500 given the strong role of the Greater Chamber in the Village in support of our business community, their focus on economic development, and the strong support provided the community during the COVID Pandemic.

Resolution 2022-35 – appointment of Richard M. Eschenfelder, Esq. as Village Attorney

scales of lawCouncil approved this resolution, appointing Richard M. Eschenfelder, Esq., with the law firm of Trask Daigneault LLP as Village Attorney.  The Village of Estero retains an outside firm to perform or provide Village Attorney legal services.  While any of the firm’s attorneys may be assigned to provide services to the Village, as proposed in the firm’s proposal, the primary Village Attorney will be Robert Eschenfelder, Esq. He has worked on several projects for the Village since 2018.  The first date of his assignment will begin on Monday, December 19, 2022.

Robert D. Pritt, L.D., B.C.S., has served as Interim Village Attorney for the past 7 months.

Resolution 2022-36 – final budget amendment for Fiscal Year 2021-2022

The Village performs budget amendments throughout each fiscal year as new appropriations, transfers, or increased revenue occur. Resolution No. 2022-36 is the second and final budget amendment for fiscal year 2021-2022. This resolution approves the use of Village funds and to align certain budgeted line items within the General Fund, Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and Driving Range Fund.

Council approved this resolution.

Second Readings and Public Hearings

Ordinance 2022-11 – Milan Villas rezoning

Milan VillasThis ordinance pertains to a rezoning request to allow Milan Villas to develop a 44-unit residential subdivision on 10 acres located at the northwest intersection of Three Oaks Parkway and Williams Road.

The applicant provided a detailed landscape plan which includes an enhanced layered buffer of black olive and yellow tabebuia trees and clusia hedge along Three Oaks Parkway, and with red maple and button trees and clusia hedge along Williams Road.

Council voted to adopt this ordinance with conditions, including Option 1 of the landscape plan.

Ordinance 2022-13 – Flood Hazard Reduction Standards

The Land Development Code was adopted by the Council in January, 2021. Flood Hazard Reduction Standards were included. This amendment is necessary to comply with Federal Emergency Management Agency policy in order for the Village to continue to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System Program.

Public Comment: 1 eComment card was received in favor of the new language.

Council voted to adopt this ordinance with amended language.

Ordinance 2022-17 – adopting flood maps

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has advised the Village that the revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps effective November 17, 2022, must be adopted by ordinance.  The flood maps may be viewed here.

Council voted to adopt this ordinance.


Utility expansion projects update

Utilities Expansion Aerial

Public Works Director David Willems gave an update on the utility expansion projects which include Estero Bay Village, Sunny Groves, Cypress Bend, Broadway Avenue West, and Broadway Avenue East (see the map above).

All of the projects have been delayed due to Hurricane Ian. The first three projects, Estero Bay Village, Sunny Groves, and Cypress Bend are now expected to be ready to bid for construction in April 2023, pending permitting and coordination with the State and Seminole Gulf Railway.

Estimated construction costs were provided for Estero Bay Village ($2.0 mil), Sunny Groves ($1.8 mil) and Cypress Bend (1.3 mil).

The survey work has been completed for Broadway Avenue West and Broadway Avenue East. The Village’s consultants are currently working on the project designs which are expected to be completed mid-2023.

Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website.

The next Council meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, December 7, 2022.