The Village of Estero is thrilled to introduce it’s “VILLAGE CENTER”, located in the heart of Estero.
As part of the approved 2020 Open Space Master Plan, the Village of Estero has identified four areas (sometimes referred to as “hubs”) of focus for “placemaking” – developing these areas to incorporate community aesthetic features and connecting them to each other through multi-modal corridors as destinations for the benefit of residents and visitors.
The “Village Center Hub” is the first being master planned to create high-intensity, mixed-use land uses, based on vibrant sports and entertainment uses.
The Hub is already home to the Village’s civic uses, Estero High School, and Estero Community Park and Recreation Center. Through a public-private approach, the Village Center Hub will soon include interconnected mixed-use sports and entertainment campuses that features recreational facilities, parks, public spaces, and many more for residents and visitors to enjoy.
“The Hub” will be a vibrant, multigenerational destination for residents and visitors alike!
Sports Park Campus
Entertainment Campus
Budget hearings, Estero on the River FDEP funding, and Imperial Parkway monument sign were among topics covered by Council on September 8, 2022
First reading and public budget hearings Resolution No. 2022-23 Council approved this resolution adopting the tentative millage rate and tentative levying of ad valorem taxes for fiscal year 2022-2023 of 0.7700 mills ($0.7700 per $1,000 [Read More.]
Millage rate, capital improvement program and redistricting of Village boundaries reviewed by Council on July 20, 2022
Recognition Pictured left to right: Councilmembers Larry Fiesel, Jim Boesch, Mayor Katy Errington (holding the award), Vice-Mayor Jon McLain and Councilmember Jim Wilson. Councilmembers Joann Ribble and Jim Ward were present via Zoom. Howard Levitan [Read More.]
Budget and redistricting of Village boundaries on the agenda for Council on July 20, 2022
Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, recognizing former Councilmember and Planning, Zoning & Design Board Co-Chair Howard Levitan who has been named Outstanding Elected Official by the State of Florida Planning and [Read More.]
State legislators recognized by Council on July 6, 2022
Senator Kathleen Passidomo (left) was presented with a proclamation from Mayor Katy Errington The meeting started with a proclamation recognizing the Honorable Senator and Senate President Designate Kathleen Passidomo for her commitment and innumerable contributions [Read More.]
Estero on the River’s future land use map among many topics scheduled for Council on July 6, 2022
The meeting will start at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, with Council recognizing local state legislators: the Honorable Senator and Senate President Designate Kathleen Passidomo, the Honorable Senator Ray Rodriguez and the Honorable Representative Adam Botana. Council [Read More.]
FY 2022-23 5-year capital improvement projects and utility extension projects among topics for review by Council on June 15, 2022
Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, by addressing a contract to provide “CityView” software for the Community Development Department. Other topics on the agenda include an agreement with the Coccoloba Chapter of [Read More.]