Left to right: FL-TF6 members Dustin Wagner, Christian Woolley, Sinead Imbaro (with Magnus Ares), Christopher Intartaglio, Glen Brownlee , Mayor Katy Errington, Mark Wahlig, and Shane Sibert
Council started their meeting with Mayor Errington presenting keys to the city to members of the Florida USAR Task Force 6 (FL-TF6), K-9 Magnus Ares and Sinead Imbaro, police K-9 instructor & military fitness specialist, for their difficult work following the Champlain Towers condo building collapse in Surfside, Florida. The FL-TF6 is a multi-agency, multi-discipline search and rescue task force made up of members of various fire and law enforcement teams, including Estero Fire Rescue and San Carlos Park Fire Protection & Rescue, dedicated to serving the community of Southwest Florida and its surrounding areas.
Action Items
Via Coconut Point and Williams Road Roundabout Landscaping & Irrigation
Council approved award of a Request for Bids to O’Donnell Landscapes, Inc., to provide landscaping and irrigation work at the Via Coconut Point/Williams Road roundabout at a cost of $120,181 along with a 10 percent contingency. The landscaping will include a variety of palms and shrubs as shown here.
The development located at the southeast corner of Williams Road and Via Coconut Point (The Reserve at Coconut Point, aka Edera) recently completed the installation of landscaping and irrigation in the median islands on Via Coconut Point and Williams Road. This was required as part of their zoning approval.
The Reserve was also required to install landscaping in the Williams Rd/Via Coconut Point roundabout. However, their landscaping plans only included sabal palms and palmettos. This would not have matched the quality the Village has established on Estero Parkway.
To maintain the quality established with Estero Parkway, the developer agreed to contribute money toward the installation of enhanced landscaping in the roundabout. The developer contributed approximately $54,000 toward the installation of landscaping in the roundabout. The developer also installed irrigation to the roundabout.
US 41 and Three Oaks northern monument sign construction plans and permitting contract
Council approved a supplemental task authorization to a contract with DRMP, Inc. to provide construction plans and permitting services for Village monument signs for a not to exceed contract amount of $79,990 with a contingency of $8,000.
This contract addresses the addition of two monument signs to be placed at the northern boundary of US 41 and one at the northern boundary of Three Oaks Parkway.
Two signs also will be placed at Estero’s southern boundaries, with one at US 41 and the other at Three Oaks Parkway.
Estero on the River Phase 1 Design Contract
Council approved award of a supplemental task authorization to a contract with Ensite, Inc. to provide design and permitting services for the first phase of improvements on the Estero on the River property for $370,400 with a 10 percent contingency.
Improvements are proposed to include a trail loop, pedestrian bridge crossing the Estero River and a parking lot/trail head. The structure design and planning for the bridge will be completed by another company under a separate contract.
Public Comment: 1 resident spoke asking Council/staff to consider not using asphalt or other non-porous materials for the parking lot.
Ordinance 2021-12 – West Bay rezoning amendment
Council passed the first reading of this ordinance approving, with conditions, an amendment to the West Bay Club residential planned development to increase the allowed height in Pod 5. West Bay Club is located west of US 41 at the end of Williams Road. The second reading will be held on November 17, 2021.
Williams Road and Atlantic Gulf Drive update
Jesse Gill, representing Kisinger Campo & Associates, provided an update on the proposed intersections improvements along Williams Road, west of US 41. Improvements reviewed included a single lane roundabout at the Life Care Center entrance/exit, extending the left and right turn lanes at US 41, green pavement at bicycle lane transitions, sidewalks on both sides of the road, landscape and decorative lighting.
Public Comment: 1 resident spoke commending the design and asking staff to consider pedestrians/bicyclists when designing the crosswalks.
No voting occurs during workshops.
Coconut Road intersection improvements update
Josh Hildebrand of Johnson Engineering provided an update on the Coconut Road intersection improvements under consideration. The design concepts included three roundabouts at the intersections of Coconut Shores Drive, Olde Meadowbrook Circle and El Dorado Blvd. Johnson Engineering also studied the road corridor and provided recommendations for future bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
West of US 41, Coconut Road is a two lane east/west roadway that provides ingress/egress for Estero, Bonita Springs and Lee County residents. While the majority of Coconut Road is located in and owned/operated by the Village, a large number of vehicles that use the roadway originates outside the Village. There is also a significant amount of proposed new development within the City of Bonita Springs at the western end of Coconut Road.
The Village hired KCA to study future traffic volumes, identify traffic issues and recommend roadway improvements. To address the expected levels of service KCA recommended installing roundabouts at each intersection to reduce the delay for southbound left turns.
The Village hired Johnson Engineering to study the intersections and provide design concepts for roundabouts at each intersection. The plan is for the first roundabout to go in at the eastern end of Coconut Road, next to El Dorado Blvd. Johnson Engineering also studied the road corridor and provided several proposals for future bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
Public Comment: 1 eComment card was placed in the record; 1 resident spoke stating that bike lanes should be considered rather than multi-use paths only.
No voting occurs during workshops.
Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website.
The next Council meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, November 17, 2021.