Sign up for updates on the Village’s Corkscrew Road Shared Use Path Project
Want the latest information on the Village of Estero’s Shared Use Path Project? You may receive weekly updates by contacting Jennifer Dorning, Project Public Information Consultant, at or by phone at (239) 338-7723. The Village is constructing a 10-foot-wide asphalt pathway on the north side of Corkscrew Road from Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to Palermo Lake Court, and 6-foot-wide concrete sidewalk from east of Palermo Lake Court that connects to the sidewalk that runs to Vista built by Lee County’s previous widening project. A 10-foot-wide asphalt pathway will also be constructed on the south side of Corkscrew Road from Ben Hill [Read More.]
Mayor and vice mayor election on the agenda for Council on March 19, 2025
Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, with Councilmembers District 1 Joanne Ribble, District 2 Jeff Hunt and District 6 Jim Ward taking the oath of office, the election of mayor and vice mayor, and a recognition of Councilmember Larry Fiesel. A light reception will follow. The meeting will reconvene with a proclamation for Engage Estero’s president Jim Gilmartin. Action items include a resolution regarding hands free use of cell phones while driving, an Eco-Historic Planning Study, vulnerability assessment, Estero Sports Park Construction Manager at Risk, and grant management services. The meeting will conclude with a workshop to [Read More.]
South County Regional Library and Picolo Buco among topics for the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on March 11, 2025
The Board will start their meeting at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, conducting public hearings for the redesign of the entry and interior remodel of the South County Regional Library and Picolo Buco’s request for a change of paint color for the exterior of their building in Marketplace at Coconut Point. Public Information Meetings will be held for the Estero Community Park maintenance building relocation and Discount Tire located at 10411 Corkscrew Road. The full agenda is available here. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, near the entrance to the Estero Community Park. Residents may [Read More.]
Reminder: Estero Fest to feature Ben Allen Band on Saturday, March 15
Estero Fest 2025 offers something for everyone to enjoy from 1-8 p.m. on March 15. There will be 4 live bands, 11 food trucks, a beer & wine garden, a Kids Zone, a business expo, Estero Fire Rescue and Lee County Sherriff’s Office displays, and Estero Councilmembers celebrating the Village’s 10th anniversary with handouts. The bands start playing at 1 p.m., led off by the Swamp Blues Band, followed by the Sudamerica Latin Groove Band, Incorrigibles Band and Ben Allen and the Ben Allen Band. Food selection includes everything from snacks, BBQ, Greek, Mexican, hamburgers & fries to ice cream.  [Read More.]
Corkscrew Road Shared Use Path Project update March 1, 2025
The Village of Estero project is constructing a 10-foot-wide asphalt pathway on the north side of Corkscrew Road from Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to Palermo Lake Court, and 6-foot-wide concrete sidewalk from east of Palermo Lake Court that connects to the sidewalk that runs to Vista built by Lee County’s previous widening project. A 10-foot-wide asphalt pathway will also be constructed on the south side of Corkscrew Road from Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to Bella Terra Boulevard. Roadway and pathway lighting similar to those on Estero Parkway will be installed to complement the new facilities, along with a substantial amount [Read More.]
Estero pavement striping and marking project underway
The Village’s contractor McShea Contracting has initiated marking and striping roads within Estero, both for public safety as well as appearance. This work is being performed between the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 4:30 a.m. Roads being serviced include: Coconut Rd, Via Coconut Point, Williams Rd, River Ranch Rd, Sandy Ln, Broadway East, Broadway West, Charing Cross, Everblades Pkwy, Highland Oaks Dr, Tiburon Way(Partial), Estero Parkway.
Council to conduct workshops on the Planning, Zoning & Design Board’s annual report and an update on developments on February 19, 2025
Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, with a resolution authorizing eminent domain to obtain an easement in order to facilitate the Corkscrew Road sidewalk, landscaping and lighting project. This would allow the Village to obtain the easement if final efforts to obtain the easement voluntarily do not succeed. Council will then address a change order to a contract to secure the right of way on Williams Road and Atlantic Gulf Drive, followed by a change order to a contract for the Estero River sediment analysis. The meeting will conclude with two workshops: the Planning, Zoning & Design [Read More.]
High 5, Walmart expansion and Home2 Suites among topics for the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on February 11, 2025
The Board will start their meeting at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, conducting public information meetings for High 5, to be located in the Entertainment District north of Williams Road, and Shadow Wood Country Club’s proposed lifestyle center next to their clubhouse. The Board will then conduct public hearings for a medical office building and day care center on US41 south of the entrance to Breckenridge, a 3,567 square foot addition to the north side of the existing Walmart, and Home2 Suites hotel to be located in Coconut Point Mall. The full agenda is available here. Meetings are held in the Council [Read More.]
Land use board reappointments and Estero Sports Park construction manager at risk among topics for Council on February 5, 2025
Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, addressing a resolution to reappoint 2 Planning, Zoning & Design Board members for one year. They will then authorize the Village Manager or designated staff to negotiate a final agreement with the 3 top ranked firms to serve as construction manager at risk for the Estero Sports Park. The final agreement will later come back to Council for approval. There will be a second reading and public hearing for a zoning ordinance pertaining to Coconut Trace located on US 41, west of Lyden Drive and east of Marsh Landing. The meeting [Read More.]
Corkscrew Road Widening Phase 2 update on January 24, 2025
Drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists are urged to use extra caution when traveling through the work zone. Crews will be transporting dirt as part of the pond construction east of Corkscrew Shores. Motorists should expect heavy truck traffic entering and leaving Corkscrew Road in that area. Motorists should expect intermittent daytime flagging for crews to perform earthwork close to the roadway. The contractor is placing embankment for the new road on both the north and south sides of Corkscrew Road. Please be aware that trucks may be entering and leaving the roadway. Motorists should expect crews to be working on underground [Read More.]