Joanne Ribble elected Mayor and George Zalucki elected Vice Mayor as three Councilmembers start new four-year terms on March 19, 2025
Front row: Councilmember Lori Fayhee, Mayor Joanne Ribble, Councilmember Jim Ward. Back row: Councilmembers Jeff Hunt, Jon McLain, George Zalucki and Rafael Lopez. The meeting started with the Honorable Rachel Loukonen, 20th Judicial Circuit Judge, administering the oath of office to Joanne Ribble. District 1, Jeff Hunt, District 2, and Jim Ward, District 6. These Councilmembers were sworn in to serve four-year terms. Elections are staggered so that elections occur every two years. Former Mayor Jon McLain passes gavel to Mayor Joanne Ribble Council then voted to elect District 1 Councilmember Joanne Ribble as the new [Read More.]
Land use board reappointments and Coconut Trace addressed by Council on February 5, 2025
Public comment on non-agenda items: State Representative Adam Botana appeared on Zoom to address Estero’s election cycle. Resolution 2025-01 – Reappoint two Planning, Zoning & Design Board members for one year Two members of the Planning, Zoning, and Design Board have terms that expire on April 30, 2025. They are James Tatooles and Al Palvandy. Council approved this resolution reappointing them for another one-year term. RFP Estero Sports Park CMAR This topic was tabled for two weeks. Second reading & public hearing Ordinance 2024-14 – Coconut Trace amendment This is an amendment to the commercial zoning for a lot in [Read More.]
Estero Sports Park master plan approved by Council on January 22, 2025
Public Comment on non-agenda items: A resident invited pet owners to attend the Blessing of Pets at the Estero Community Church at 10 a.m., Saturday, February 15. Estero Sports Park Council approved the Estero Sports Park master plan presented by Perez & Associates which is now ready for submission to the South Florida Water Management District for infrastructure permits. The infrastructure includes the underground utilities, sidewalks, parking lots and storm water conveyance and ponding needs for the entire site. The Village has assembled about 100 acres to develop into a Sports and Entertainment District to serve the entire community located [Read More.]
Council approved additional water monitoring services in Estero during their meeting on January 8, 2025
Action Items Water monitoring contract Council approved a contract with Johnson Engineering for $193,411, with a contingency of $19,000, to provide additional water monitoring services. The Village’s Stormwater Master Plan includes recommendations to obtain additional water monitoring data to better understand water levels and water quality around Estero and improve the accuracy of stormwater models. Tasks in this contract include 11 water quality monitoring sites (one new site to capture data downstream of Estero River Heights). Council has approved contracts for water monitoring since 2020. First Reading Ordinance 2024-14 – Coconut Trace This is an amendment to the commercial zoning [Read More.]
BERT and Estero Sports Park among topics addressed by Council on December 18, 2024
Action Items Resolution 2024-23 – Mayfair Village property In 2007, Lee County rezoned this 5.5-acre parcel located on East Broadway, east of the railroad and west of Sandy Lane, for a 16-lot single family subdivision. As part of the zoning, the County included the construction of a road on the west 100-feet of the property. This resolution amends the zoning to rescind the road to accommodate Lennar’s new plan for a single family subdivision on the property. Council adopted this resolution. Resolution 2024-24 – Seminole Gulf agreement (BERT) This agreement, which is to be between the Trust for Public Land, [Read More.]
Flood mitigation project and 10th anniversary among topics addressed by Council on November 20, 2024
Florida Power & Light FPL representatives Charlotte Miller, FPL External Affairs Manager, and Josh Whitaker provided explanations for the power outages experienced in the community following Hurricane Milton. Causes included salt spray not disbursed due to lack of rain, and wind loosening electrical connections as well as falling vegetation. FPL representatives plan to come back for a workshop in January. Action Items Resolution 2024-22 – Budget amendment Finance Director Kevin Greenville explained the Village performs budget amendments throughout each fiscal year as new appropriations, transfers, or increased revenue occur. To ensure there are no excess expenditures, Village staff completed a [Read More.]
Village to acknowledge 10th anniversary by honoring “Mr. Estero” Don Eslick, incorporation team, and first councilmembers on November 20, 2024
The Village Council plans to honor the late “Mr. Estero” Don Eslick by presenting a framed image of a memorial plaque to his wife Suzie during a 10th anniversary reception following their Council meeting at approximately 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday. The actual bronze plaque will hang in the Village Hall. Council will also acknowledge those who were actively involved in the incorporation effort as well as Estero’s first councilmembers. BACKGROUND In July 2013, Estero Council of Community Leaders (ECCL) volunteers formed a transition team to begin the incorporation effort. The team included ECCL Chairman Emeritus Don Eslick (aka “Mr. Estero”), Chairman [Read More.]
Capital Improvement Program and Village Center among topics addressed by Council on October 16, 2024
Front row: Mayor Jon McLain with Jewel Faerber Back row: Councilmembers Lori Fayhee, George Zalucki, Vice Mayor Joanne Ribble, Rafael Lopez and Jim Ward Mayor Jon McLain presented a proclamation to Jewel Faerber honoring her late husband Joseph Faerber. Faerber had served as the first Village of Estero Special Magistrate. He was honored for his 8 years of service as the Code Enforcement Magistrate which were marked by exemplary dedication and commitment. Recognition The Government Finance Officers Association presented the Village with a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the Village’s comprehensive financial report for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, [Read More.]
Estero’s property tax rate reduced by Council on September 18, 2024
Estero continues to have lowest tax rate in Southwest Florida Public Budget Hearings Resolution 2024-18 – Adopting final millage rate Council approved this resolution adopting the ad valorem taxes for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 at a millage rate of 0.73 mills, which is a reduction from the prior year’s rate of 0.74. Council has voted to reduce the tax rate every year except the first year following incorporation and in 2020 due to COVID. Estero’s tax rate is the lowest in the region. Resolution 2024-19 – Adopting final budget for 2024-2025 Council approved this resolution adopting the budget for FY [Read More.]
Budget, Sports Park and Williams Road widening among topics addressed by Council at 5:05 p.m. September 11, 2024
Proclamation Front row: San Carlos Assistant Fire Chief Glen Van Brunt, Mayor Jon McLain, Lee County Sheriff’s Department Lt. Gunn and Lt. Tarsia. Back row: Councilmembers Lori Fayhee, Larry Fiesel, Vice-Mayor Joanne Ribble, Councilmembers Rafael Lopez, George Zalucki and Jim Ward. The meeting started with Mayor Jon McLain reading a proclamation recognizing Patriot Day. On September 11, 2001, our nation experienced a series of airline hijackings that led to the worst terrorist attacks seen in the US. The proclamation states that the Village Council wishes to recognize September 11 as an annually recognized national day of service and [Read More.]